Chapter 14

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**Author Note: The lyrics in this chapter are from the traditional Irish ballad Let No Man Steel Your Thyme. The version posted is sung by Carey Mulligan**

Tilly's is just as crowded as it was the last time I was here. But instead of loud rock music this time it's folk.

We find a table in a corner of the bar. Jake and I both have a habit of people watching, and we both get caught up in this until we look at each other and laugh.

"I still owe you that last drink," he says.

I nod with a smile, "Yes you do, and I'll take the usual."

He gets up and returns after a moment with two whiskeys. "Here's to being reunited." He clinks his glass to mine.

"To us," I say with a smile and take a sip.

Jake stares at me for a moment with an unreadable look in his eyes before taking a drink. After looking around he leans across the table. "So, this is similar to the type of bar I'd want to own."

"Really? It's pretty divey."

"I like dive bars. We just didn't go to many together back home. Don't you like it here?"

"I have to admit I do. And they have live music here all the time. Is that something you'd want too?"

He nods his head. "Yeah, I would. So, what about you? Are you going to try and do something with your art now?"

I shrug. "Oh, I don't know. It's a fun hobby."

Jake frowns. "Sloan, your art is not just a hobby. Or doesn't have to be. You're talented. I remember what your art was like in college, and heck even in high school it was great."

"I think you're just biased as my friend."

"It's absolutely true that I'm a bit biased when it comes to you. But it's not because I'm your friend. It's because I know how great you are."

I ignore what the look on his face is doing to me and instead shift my attention out over the bar to the people dancing. Suddenly the music changes to a slower melodic ballad. A young man plays the violin, while a young woman steps up to sing.

The woman's voice sweeps over the whole bar and a hush settles. Everyone stops moving, completely captivated by her voice.

Come all you fair and tender girls

That flourish in your prime

Beware, beware, keep your garden fair

Let no man steal your thyme

Let no man steal your thyme...

Couples start to dance slowly in the middle of the bar. Completely captivated by the melancholy and enchanting song, I listen transfixed.

For when your time, it has passed and gone

He'll care no more for you

And every place, where your time was waste

Will all spread o'er with rue

Will all spread o'er with rue

Turning my attention back away from the singer I look over at Jake with a smile, meaning to say something about the song. But there's a vulnerable look in his eyes that makes me swallow my words.

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