Chapter 13

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Something has changed between us, I can feel it. Our usual ease is gone. Even though I've known things have changed, I still wasn't expecting such a palpable difference in person.  Normally I'd at least embrace him in a side hug, but that just doesn't feel right.

Instead, I gesture up to the house with a nod of my head. "So, what do you think?"

Jake looks around with appreciation. "It's absolutely beautiful here."

My heart swells to hear he feels the same way I do. "I know, I still pinch myself every day. It's more than I could imagine..."

I wrap my arms around myself suddenly at a loss for words. Clearing my throat, I admit, "It's what I needed." I say it quieter and with more feeling than I mean to.

Jake nods his head and fully looks at me for the first time. His eyes move over every inch of my face, and I blush slightly at the scrutiny. "You look happy. Happier than I've seen you in a long time. Your smile is finally reaching your eyes again."

I swallow past the lump of emotion in my throat. He's right. I didn't even realize how much of a shell of a person I was before these last couple of weeks.

"I'm really glad you're here," I blurt out.

He smiles down at me but the look in his eyes I can't read. He seems...closed off? I'm so used to being able to read every emotion he has; I know all his tells. But this Jake that's beside me is different. It puts me off kilter a bit and doesn't help the butterflies in my stomach.

We start to walk back up to the cottage. Reaching the beginning of my yard, we come to a standstill. Our gaze naturally looks back at the ocean, the last of the day glistening on the low lapping waves, reflecting the beginning of the sunset. I wrap my arms around myself once more. I can't help but feel more content having Jake here - sharing this place I've come to love with him.

I glance over at him to say something and see he's already looking down at me. He reaches his hand out, grabbing a strand of my hair and rubs it between his fingers. "It suits you."

I raise an eyebrow, what suits me? I think. Oh, my hair! "You sure I don't look like a little kid?" I say with a laugh.

He shakes his head slowly, looking at me again with that funny look on his face. "No, it makes you look suits you." He clears his throat, dropping his hand, "Sorry to show up out of the blue like this. Once I got here I realized I might be putting you out, so I booked a hotel in town. If you already had plans I can make myself scarce."

"No, not at all! But since I wasn't expecting you I don't have anything planned for dinner."

"Can I take you out to dinner?"

"Take me out to dinner?" I repeat, and think to myself - Like a date? This thought makes me blush even more.

He self-consciously moves a hand through his hair. "Yeah, why not? We're in France, so let's eat some good French cuisine."

"That sounds good. I can order something local or we can go to-" I stop at the look on Jake's face. "Or did you have something in mind?"

He shrugs. "Whatever you want is fine. I did look up this one place that looks nice...but if you don't feel like going out..."

"If you had a place in mind, let's do it." I smile, looking down at my outfit. "Do I need to change?"

He shakes his head. "I think you look great."

"But are we talking pub food or fine dining?"

"Closer to fine dining I'd say, though I've never been." He looks down at his outfit of blue jeans and a worn t-shirt. "I might change too if that's ok?"

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