Chapter 8

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"It seems you are always saving me from some predicament," I say while taking my soap from him with a sheepish smile.

"So it would appear," he answers with a bemused smile.

"I'm sorry about your head ok?"

"I'll probably need stitches but it's fine."

He laughs when he sees my face, the sound echoing throughout the cave-like room. "That was a joke. I'm Colin, by the way, Colin McNeil."

"Lara Sloan," I respond, shaking his outstretched hand. Why does that name sound familiar?  "What a coincidence to run into you again!"

"Maybe it's fate." He smiles down at me and I feel myself blushing. "Listen, I'm almost done filming for the day and I feel like I need to take advantage of what the universe has dropped in my lap. Can I buy you a drink or a coffee, say in an hour?"

I'm surprised at the sudden invitation, but pleasantly surprised. "Sure, why not?"

We stare at each other for a moment and then he laughs. "You'd better hand me your phone or we'll have to rely on fate again."

Laughing, I grab my phone out of my purse and get his number.

"See you soon Lara," he says with a smile, then disappears the same way he came.

I shake my head in bewilderment, what are the chances?

A couple more wrong turns later and I eventually find the correct way back and reunite with Juliette and the tour.

"Lara! I was so worried!" Juliette latches onto me when she sees me.

"I'm sorry for leaving you. I got lost and then I ran into a movie set...and then I met someone again...well it's a long story but he wants to buy me a drink in an hour."

Juliette's eyebrows shoot up. "Ooh la la you have been busy!"

I laugh. "You don't mind?"

"No. I will find something to occupy my time while you carry on your love affair," she says with a wink.

Rolling my eyes, I try to hide the blush I can feel across my cheeks. "It's just a drink, Juliette. But thank you, I promise it won't be too long."

Juliette shrugs. "It is no problem. It is your last week in France. It is.... time to live it up, yes?"

I agree, "Yes that's right! Time to live it up!"

Everyone on the tour turns around and shushes us.

Close to two hours later, after finishing our tour of the Abbey, I find myself nervously waiting for Colin where we agreed to meet – a little corner pub on the main street of the town. Finding the inside seating of the pub to be too dark for such a beautiful day, I found an outdoor seating area out the back entrance.

This is perfect, I think, looking out over the city's wall to the water below. Not only does this spot have a great view, but it's empty and private. Taking a sip of the wine I ordered, I check my reflection in my makeup compact for the hundredth time. Even though this might not technically be a date, my stomach is in nervous knots.

Colin appears suddenly and sits down across from me with a smile. "Sorry, it took longer than I thought to wrap for the day."

"Hey, no problem. It's a beautiful day and I've been enjoying myself. I got the chance to tour the rest of the Abbey in the meantime."

"It's incredible isn't it?"

I nod in agreement. "Unbelievably beautiful, the very top of the Abbey, umm the cloister I think they call it, is amazing. I could've stayed up there all day."

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