Chapter 2

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I squint in the dark at the text on my phone and then at the time.

*Jake do you know what time it is? I thought you were going to call* I text back.

I watch the three little dots appear on the screen. Then disappear. I wait for a moment. They appear again. Then disappear.

"Oh, for Pete's sake!" I mumble, getting up groggily.

Pulling on my fluffy bathrobe I shuffle sleepily to the intercom and buzz Jake in.

"Hey," I say when he comes through the door. Going to the kitchen for a glass of water I ask, "You want anything? I don't have any booze." I open my pantry to double-check. "Wait, I do have that scotch whiskey you got me for my birthday. But I was kind of saving that for a special occasion." I look down at myself and chuckle, "Maybe when I'm a little more dressed up."

"I'm fine Sloan, thanks though. Uh...again sorry about the late hour. I umm...well it couldn't wait. I am." Jake has his hands in his pockets and is looking around like he's never been in my apartment?

Raising an eyebrow, I walk back from the kitchen with my water. Why is he acting so strange? I wonder. I plop down on the couch and ask, "So, what's up? Are you going to sit or is standing in the middle of my living room more comfortable for you?" I say with a smile.

But he doesn't smile back. Instead, he sits on the edge of my overstuffed chair across from me. He's subtly wringing his hands together, something he always does when he's nervous. Something is up but I patiently wait, sipping my water.

Jake clears his throat and looking up at the ceiling finally says, "So, you know that mixologist competition I told you about?"

"The World Class one? Yeah did you finally apply? Did you get in?"

"Not yet. It's highly competitive, and I'm not sure I have enough experience. The deadline to apply is in a few months."

"Jake, you've been bartending since college. You make the best damn drink in Portland. There's no way you won't get in!"

He smiles. "I appreciate your confidence, but most bartenders have years on me. So, to up my chances, I applied for an apprenticeship. And I just found out today I got accepted."

"That's awesome! Congrats! Wait, so what's the apprenticeship like? You'll do it during the day and work at night sort of thing? You won't have to quit the bar will you?" Selfishly I think how sad that would be, and one too many changes in a 24-hour period to handle.

Jake rubs the back of his neck. "Yeah, so that's the thing. It's not here." He pauses and looks at me. "It's in Europe. London to be exact. Well, with some time in different countries. It's a world-renowned program so I feel pretty lucky to even have gotten in. I'd get to experience different cultures and learn from different mixologists. So, some traveling as well, which you know is on my bucket list"

He seems excited though he's trying to play it cool. I sit up straighter. "What a great opportunity. And maybe I'll come visit you at some point. I do have time now."

Jake's brows knit together. "Yeah, we didn't get a chance to talk about your day. What happened? Did Brett do something? What do you mean you have time now?"

I wave my hand dismissively. "Later. We can chat tomorrow about it."

He clears his throat. "So that's the thing. I leave tomorrow."

My eyes go wide. I wasn't expecting that. No wonder he needed to tell me tonight, I think, biting my lip. The unease in my stomach is growing.

"Oh ok. They don't give you much turnaround time, do they?" I say, feigning lightheartedness. "So, what are we talking about, like a two-week program? Oh, do you need a ride to the airport? I can take you."

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