"Oui mon amie. It would appear so."


I'm so shocked by what the latter said, I'm still going over it on the drive to Mont Saint-Michel.

"Sorry, I know I keep repeating the same questions, but who is she? What was their relationship exactly?" I shake my head. "Rhetorical question of course. I just can't believe I've never heard of this person."

Juliette looks over at me and asks, "You will find this Adelaide?"

"I want to try. This is a part of my grandmother's life I knew absolutely nothing about. That letter was intimate, they meant something to each other. Philippe said he'd ask his father for me since he's lived in the area his whole life. Oh, speaking of Philippe, I've been so wrapped up in this letter I forgot to ask how the rest of last night went."

Juliette shrugs. "Bien...good. He walked me home."

"And? Juliette, you're killing me! I need to know more. How long had it been since you saw one another?"

Juliette swats her hand at me and says with a click of her tongue, "Too many questions."

"Ok, so you said you knew each other a long time ago. How long is a long time ago?"

Juliette sighs. "We met when we were children at school. I had a crush, as you say. We were friends for a long time, but then he left for University."

"Just friends?"

Juliette shakes her head, "No, more than friends. He broke my heart."

Ah-ha! I knew there was a backstory. "And you haven't seen each other since? Or spoken?"

"Ah no, Lara, not till the pub. I was very surprised!" Juliette shakes her head. "I hear he is home, but the restaurant keeps me occupied. I did not try and contact him."

"Locquirec is so small that I'm surprised you didn't run into each other sooner," I say, but then realize I've never asked Philippe where he lives, I just assumed locally. I steal a glance at Juliette, but her face betrays nothing. She is so good at hiding her feelings while my face on the other hand betrays everything I'm thinking. I wonder if Philippe tried to find Juliette when he came back.

Juliette clears her throat and asks nonchalantly, "You and Philippe are friends only?"

"Just friends," I assure her, and catch a glimpse of a slight smile on her face in response.

"So, no one special for you Lara? Someone waiting at home for you?"

"That is a rather complicated question at the moment," I answer. I fill her in briefly on what happened between me and Jake.

"This Jake.... he is...you are close to each other?"

"Yes, we are, which is why it's so complicated. He has been there for me more than I can explain. I don't want to lose him. Even though right now I don't know where we stand."

"Matters of the heart are très compliqué," Juliette says with understanding.

Very complicated? Yes, I'd say so.


Mont Saint-Michel is an amazing sight to behold. Known for its Abbey and medieval town, this island city is a must-see of Northern France. The entire island is the small city, set off from the mainland and surrounded by shimmering sand and small pools of water. The little island city pokes up out of a low bank of fog and resembles a mirage or a distant land from a dream.

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