☆Chapter Three☆

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Chapter Three
Family, not Friends

Saturday, March 7th, 2015
Narrator's POV

"Woah." Stella said, at a loss of words just by looking at the house. The producers bought a house for the cast to stay in while filming was going on.

"We're staying here?" Finn said while he jaw was so far opened that Stella thought it could fall off in a matter of seconds.

"This is amazing!" Stella smiled as the car came to a stop. They all hopped out and grabbed their bags.

"Stella! Finn!" They heard a British accent calling their names, knowing it would be Millie.

"Hey Millie!" Finn said as she ran up and hugged him.

"Hi." Stella said shyly and waved.

"Millie! Are they here?" A boy shouted from the house.

"What does it look like Caleb? She's literally hugging Finn." Another boy added. We heard a bunch of footsteps and soon enough Finn had been tackled to the ground. Bursts of laughter were heard from the four of them.

"Wait someone's missing. Where's Noah?" Finn asked.

"He's on his way." Caleb answered as they all stood up. Stella remembered their faces, but she hadn't heard their voices.

"Guys! This is my sister Stella." Finn said introducing them to Stella. Millie immediately engulfed Stella in a hug.

"Nice to meet you! We're gonna be good friends. You're the only other girl I get to see that's close my age." Millie said adding a laugh towards the end.

"I hope so." Stella smiled and hugged Millie back.

"Come on! I'll show you your rooms!" Gaten said when Millie and Stella pulled away from their hug. They all ran into the big house and up the stairs. There were signs on each door that had names on them.

"Ok so this is mine and Caleb's room, Noah and Finn's room, and Millie and Stella's room!" Gaten said when they got to the end of the hallway. Stella admired the sign on hers and Millie's door. It read "Millie Bobby Brown" at the top and "Stella Wolfhard" underneath. They had the names written in the print for the intro of Stranger Things. Stella and Millie walked into the room. It was pretty basic, kinda like a hotel room, but the Duffers added fairy lights for a little more of a girly touch. They had also added an "M" and an "S" above the girls beds so it would make it easier to decide who's bed is who's.

"The Duffers told me and Gaten that tomorrow we're all going out for dinner before the show starts filming. They said they want us to bond a little." Caleb said after everyone walked back out of their rooms. "Oh and the parents rooms are downstairs. I think the siblings that came are down there too but they said Stella was an exception."

The five of them walked down the stairs and sat in the living area where they continued to talk and get to know each other. Millie, Finn, Stella, Caleb, and Gaten all bonded over at leave one thing. Stella and Millie bonded over their love for Leonardo DiCaprio, Millie and Finn for apparently being in love with dino nuggets, Finn and Gaten for their ongoing sarcasm, Gaten and Caleb for their insane amount of goofiness, and Caleb and Stella for their opinion on Halloween being the best holiday season and holiday in general.

"How is halloween the best holiday? It's obviously Christmas for obvious reasons!" Millie argued.

"Halloween is obviously the best because you dress up, stay up late watching scary movies or just Halloween movies in general. The music is amazing too. How many times do a year do you listen to the Monster Mash without thinking about Halloween. Oh and did I mention how amazing the weather is? The weather is cold but not freezing and warm but not hot all at once. It's amazing!" Caleb argued back.

"Well Christmas season has hot cocoa for the coldest days, snow, perfect snow days, Hallmark movies-" Millie said but got cut off by Finn.

"Wait....... did you just say Hallmark movies?" Finn asked while trying not to laugh.

"Yes Finn. I know they all end the same but they're actually really good. They all have the same plot line over and over again but they're still perfect snow day movies." Millie responded to Finns comment making the group laugh. Soon after they heard a car door close. Millie ran to the window, grew a smile on her face, and ran out the door. Finn, Gaten, Caleb, and Stella all ran after Millie. She was standing on the porch and Noah was running towards them.

"Noah! Ok so this is Finn, Caleb, Gaten, and Finn's sister Stella." Millie said being the talkative and outgoing girl she is.

"I know who everyone is. Well, except for Stella." Noah giggled a little bit.

"Wait, Noah and Stella are close to the same age. Maybe they'll be close. Oh and they'll get to hang out because Noah won't have as many scenes." Finn said. Noah and Stella looked at each other and smiled.

"Now we're all friends!" Millie smiled as she pulled everyone into a group hug.

"Family, not friends." Caleb smiled at all of them. Those words stuck with all of them.

Family, not friends.

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