Something I've Been Thinking About (Not Update)

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I'm sorry I will not be updating today and maybe not for a while. Im so sorry! But I've noticed recently that my work has been slowly going down hill. First how long my chapters were. Then there quality! If I'm gonna be updating I'd want it to be optimal not trash!

And you might be thinkin' 'I don't care if there bad keep going!' Or some people may be thinkin' 'Wow she's such a bitch for not postin' enough!' But you know what I know and I'm sorry for that I just.... Well feel dread every time I'm about to post! Because either I'm lazy or I didn't pretyp anything the day before.

I just really feel like I should stop or take a break for a sert-en amount of time. But... I know people will probably for get that this story ever existed! So even if I start 'er up again no one would see it. Then what would be the point?

I'm at a dilemma here, though I really think I need to take a break. I don't want to continue digin' my self into an even deeper whole than I'm already in. So, I don't know exactly how long I'm gonna take a break for but I think it'll be a week. Please don't forget about this story! Though I can't force you to do so, I would be truly grateful for it!

And please don't be mad at me! 😖 And please if you have any ideas please post a comment! And with that I hope you have a Good Day! 😊

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