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Techno let out a breath feeling this almost numb feeling. He hadn't remembered that in years he didn't really now why not. He enjoyed killing them but....but he has this odd feeling.

"I just ..... I just..don't know" Techno put his right hand on his forehead, looking a bit down. I enjoyed it but did I? I know they were cruel and I hated them for that but know I guess I finally realized I'm all alone...

I don't think I have family, I don't even know if I was even adopted! Techno put his fingers in his hair and pulled. "Calm down Techno just put a emotionless expression on no one will know, if you don't tell them and we both know we won't" Techno said to him self putting both hands in his hair and pulling a bit.



"Ok were fine just look for some kills to get back in the swing of things" Techno said as he let go of his hair and put his signature emotionless expression on. Techno had an itch he couldn't scratch and the only way he could subside it was to kill and kill and then kill some more.

He couldn't help it,if he stoped he didn't know what he'd do. So, Techno keep walking he didn't care he just wanted to get this game over with and take a break for a bit.

Techno's eyes became a bit dull as he keep walking trying to find someone to kill. Techno finally found some kills but he didn't try to sneak up on them he just started to walk up to them.

He didn't even move as there bowmen pulled his string on his bow back and firing. A high pitch wisil ripped thru the air as his arrow was heading straight for Techno.



Was the sound of the arrow in the air then hitting Techno right on the shoulder. But .. he didn't feel anything, he new it hit him because he felt his blood running down his arm to the grassy floor. But he just didn't feel anything he didn't even flinch.

Techno looked at the arrow still lodged in his shoulder thinking Why can't I feel anything? Is it a bug? Did I finally lose my mind to the point I can't even feel anything any more?

But Techno was pushed out of his thoughts when he heard someone yell "JUST DIE!" As they raised their sword and slashed down on him. Techno instinctively raised his arm to stop the blade from slashing him.

The blade cut into his arm only stopping when it hit bone. Again it didn't hurt Techno thought as his blood ran down his arm to his elbow. Techno sighed "You really shouldn't have come so close to me" Techno said as he ripped the arrow from his shoulder and stabbed him in the eye with it all the way to his brain.

The man collapsed on the floor with his eyes blood pooling on the floor. Techno grabbed the handle of the blade still lodged in his arm and ripped it out.

More blood cam out of the wound causing him to get a bit light headed. "I hope this ends soo-" Techno once again was interrupted as a arrow flew past his head. Techno looked over and spotted the bowmen that shot him before and a nother one, that was the one that just shot at him.

Techno sighed then threw the iron sword he was still holding,at them. One of them had enough time to move but the other one was in the motion of getting a nother arrow. So he got hit square in the ear, getting it lodged in his skull.


That was the sound of his body hitting the floor causing the other to scream out in horror. Techno cringed as he heard the scream (Really could you not scream?! Haven't you played enough to have a tolerance to seeing people die?)

Techno thought as he rubbed his temples with a groan. They started to run scared for there life and of the so called person that 'neva diez' but Techno didn't feel like running.

"Sigh fine I'll just shot ya" Techno said as he grabbed his bow from his back and grabbed an arrow, pulled back the string and let a breath out.




That was the sound of Techno firing his arrow hitting him right on his head in an angle. So his arrow did go in his skull but it went though his jaw, just grazing his brain.

They squirmed a but in agony trying to scream but the arrow was restricting him. He's going to die anyway there's no way he'll survive, even if he gets it out and that's a if he'll just die from blood loss Techno thought with a slight smile on his face.

Though it soon vanished and was replaced with his regular lifeless expression. Techno walked to the other bowmen and ripped strips of cloth off his clothes and tied it around his arm and shoulder to at lest stop a bit of the bleeding.

Techno sighed and walked away with 5 cannons in the distance though he did kill 3 of those he figured either his team killed those or dreams team did if they're alive he doesn't remember if Will said so or not.

Techno keep walking but noticed that he got a bit of blood on his bow,"Well that's unfortunate. That'll be a bit hard to get out" Techno mumbled just putting back his bow after observing it.

Techno continued walking as he noticed it was getting noon, "It can turn night in this situation? That's interesting" He said as he looked back at the sun going down at a seemingly fast.

Techno spead up trying to get to his team before night fall. Then Techno thought about using the compass he got from his 'fans'. Techno took it out and it said that they were 4 miles Southwest.

"Hmm I guess I didn't go that far from them then I thought" Techno said as he started walking in that direction going to try to win these.

That was 1040 words! 😐 It was ok but I got distracted when I sall Techno's stream which I would NEVER miss and then I got even more distracted,so sorry! 😖 Also you better have watched that stream and all of his streams because I have and that's just how you worship your god! 👑❤👑😊

And so I bid you a Good Night! May thou sleep well! 😊

SUBSCRIBE TO TECHNOBLADE!! 👑👑❤ ok now I'm done bye bye! 😊

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