Almost The Next Game

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Techno's body shook like a leaf starring at nothingness, not noticing that the wolf was still there.


He snapped out of his thoughts and on instinct grabbed his swords handle at the speed of light and detached its skull from it's body.



Its head rolled on the ground spraying blood in its body and the grass. Techno let out a rigid breath still holding his sword in the air. He sayed like that for about a minute trying to register what he had seen and done.

(....ok....calm down and breath. Get a grip! You have to get back before they come lookin' for ya.)



When he finally got his composure he dropped his sword on the grass and pulled his fingers threw his hair. "Ok I'm fine, I'm fine..." As he said this his just turned dead just for a split second. He sighed than grabbed his sword and wiped it off on it's lifeless body.

As stud up he looked at the dead body of the wolf feeling a sting in his chest. Then walked off like nothing had happened. When he got out of the forest, which took about 5 minutes he sall that Tommy and Will had stopped arguing and were now just siting down with Phil and Pete.

He didn't see anyone else he figured he scared them off. (Oh, right James and those other nerds not that I'm sayin' he's not a nerd too because he is. ....why am I tryin' to explain my self to my self..?) Techno just shook him self out of his thoughts and walked twords his teammates.

Phil was the first to look up as he said, "oh, there you are Techno. Where have you been?" Phill cocked his head to the side as he said this looking at him. "Oh, well I was in the forest layin' down for a bit." He said with a blank face causing Phil to get frustrated because he couldn't tell if he was lyin' or not.

"Oh so Im guessing your the cause of the group of people running out of there with their tails between their legs?" Will asked snickering a bit because of the image. Tommy seemed to finally be out of his thoughts at the mention of this. "Did you beat their asses!" As he said this he started to punch the air as to try to reenact it.

"First off language, second off no but I did scare them off pretty good" Techno crossed his arms in fount of his chest as he said this but then let them fall to his sides finding the position uncomfortable. As Tommy heard this he huffed out of annoyance crossing his arms, looking away then said, "Your not my dad!" Techno pinched the bridge of his nose closing his eyes for a second then opening them again. "Nor do I want to be, just don't curse at least not around me."

Tommy uncrossed his arms then responded with, "Fine, fine I wont" Pete seemed to be in thought so Techno didn't bother asking why he was so quiet. They talked for about 20 minutes before they noticed it was getting a bit crowded. "Hey, guys can we leave it seemed to be getin' to crowded for my likein'." He scratched his arm under his cape trying to focus on something else.

"M'k but were should we go next?" Will asked out loud. They started to discuss where to go but Techno didn't participate because he wasn't planning on goin' with em. The reason was he just hadn't had gotten much sleep recently so he just wanted to sleep to get his already low energy up.

When he finally got out of his thoughts was when he sall them stand up so he did also. He dusted off his cape going back into his thoughts just walking on auto drive. He only heard snip bits of what they were saying something about getting something to eat then buy some thing called 'Youtooz' what ever that is.

When he got near his house he said,"I'ma just head home to get some sleep." Techno stoped walking to hear what their response was gonna be. "Awe really but we were going to get some food..!" Tommy complained. Will pinched him scolding him then sayin' ,"Oh stop what if you were tired and we forced you to come with us huh?" Tommy rolled his eyes rubbing were he pinched grumbling as ow.

"Anyway it's fine get some sleep" Will said. "Yeah we don't want you to be tired for the next game in a few days" Phill smiled at him. Then Pete said, "Yeah it's fine! So I hope you have a good rest my liege!" Pete smiled at him also but with teeth.

Techno waived goodbye as he walked twords his front door opening it. Walking into his house he felt a similar calmness he adored then locked the door behind himself. He sighed grateful his parents weren't there or well making themselves known.

He walked to his room opening the door then closing it behind himself. As he sat down the bed creaked under him but he dismissed it and took his boots off. Then he unclasped his cape hooking it on his dresser and unbuttoned his shirt putting it on the hook next to it.

He didn't feel like talking off his pants so he just pulled the covers out and got in bed enjoying the softness of it before he covered himself with the blanket then drifted to sleep..

That was 934 words! Sorry it was a bit boring but I promise that the next one will be more eventful! And with that I hope you have a Good Day! 😊

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