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He watched as his 'shadow' popped Dreams head like a grape and the only think he wanted was more... More and more and more.... He just wanted to get more blood,more flesh. He didn't know why, maybe it was because of his memory's coming all back into his skull faster than it had before. 

He stud there with a wicked smile on his face as he heard the figure say, "Shall we continue?". He looked at the almost transparent figure in it's eye the said, "Haha you know it" With that Techno ripped out his sword and started sprinting, arriving in front of his next kill in approximately 2 seconds.

The glasses guy finally snapped out of it only to start to raise his blade up but wasn't fast enough. Techno slashed down onto the poor male cutting into his shoulder only stoping till a bit past the middle of his chest.





The man cough out blood onto Techno's arm making him irritated. He grabbed his hair pulling it back causing him to cry out followed by a loud wail as Techno put more force on to his blade cutting his body into half.



His body fell onto the cold grass, his entrails slipped out of it's owners body still warm and bloody. The blood pooled around the body reaching it's clothes, soaking up some of the liquid turning a dark shade of crimson.

At this very moment an axe flew past his head. He didn't flinch, he knew the other teammate would miss considering his condition. Techno looked over with a blank expression but soon turning to a crazed smile showing off his teeth witch had dug into his lip but he didn't notice.

"Hmm someone getin' cocky?" He said as he moved his hand behind himself and grabbed the axe, witch was embedded into a tree. "How about a taste of your own medicine hmm?" Techno threw the axe before the man could move to dodge it hitting him strat between the eyes.




There body hit the ground with a loud thud as blood started poring out of the larg gash in it's skull. (I wonder how they got so many weapons? You know what they probably stole them from other champions or the just got lucky)

Techno sighed trying to calm his heart thumping hard in his ears. He looked around and noticed that he left he figured he left because of the sun light hittin' him. He then looked up thinking it was now 12:00 because the sun was directly above him.

Techno then thought with a slightly crazed smile on his face, (Time to get the genocide up in runin') With that Techno set of in a slightly lopsided run because his leg keep cracking randomly making him lose balance. Looking down he could only see the dried blood still on his face and clothes.

Staring out to the trees blurring past him as he ran faster and faster. Till he found a structure that looked like an old building with vines and other greenery embedded into it's stone walls. (Hmm I wander if I'll fine any kills in hear.)

He started walking twords the building not hearing that much noise from his feet connecting with the grass, only a slight crunching sound. When he finally got to the door he looked around then opened it with an arrow right between is eyes a few inches away.

He instinctively raised his hand and grabbed the tip of the arrow cutting his hand in the process. Techno tsked at the slight sting he felt from the cut as he felt his blood run down his arm dripping off his elbow. "What the hell!?"

An annoyingly high voice came from in front of him, a male with a blue out fit on. Techno growled out as he felt his hunger grow larger as if he could hear the others heart beat. "Shut up..!" Techno grimaced as he heard the others voice again, "How dare you say that to me?! You have no right too! Your way weeker then me so if you just give me all your weapons I'll let you leave!"

Techno looked up with a slight dum founded expression on then thought, (Is this guy serous...? Ha and he doesn't even know I'm a hunter. You know what I'll play along just for a but till I get bored) "Oh, how idiotic of me I did not realize it was thou." Thought Techno was acting he wasn't really trying, he keep his blank expression on the whole time.

(I wonder how long I can fool him and I'm guessing this guys name is Skeepy? I sall it before though I thought it wasn't a real name.) "I'm glade you FINALLY know who I am!" Skeepy said as he huffed and puffed out his chest trying to show off his none existing muscles.

Techno was already getting annoyed by this fellow. Just his voice, his personality and not to mention how loud he is! (You know what I'm already getting annoyed and bored so lets get this over with.) "Let's end this already shall we?"

Hi hi that was 876 words! I know it was boring, so sorry! 😖Also if you have any suggestions please tell me! 😊 And with that I hope you have a Good Day! 😊

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