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The boy played with Floof for about a hour or two when he realized he had to get back before his parents get back and notice he's gone. He stud up earning a small whine from Floof. As he looked at Floof he couldn't help feel his heart twitch just a smidge.

He sighed as he bended down to pet him one last time for the day. "I'm sorry Floof but I have to go if I don't they'll.......... get mad. Ok?" Floof seemed upset but he seemed like he'd stay put. As he took a step forward he looked back making shore he was staying put.

The boy put a painfully smile on as he said, "It's fine I'll come back tomorrow" He walked fully out then turned around waiving good bye to the wolf causing him to wag his tail. He smiled as he walked off to the edge of the woods.

It was now getting dark as the tall trees started to block the sun seemingly making him even more glum. At the fact he had to leave. (I really didn't think I'd find a wolf out here. I wasn't even that deep in the woods)

When he got he didn't see them so he thought they must be inside. (Shit....! What now?! Ok,ok, calm down it's fine even if they beat you you still can go to Floof and be happy again so it's not to bad.) He pulled his fingers threw his hair and opened the door.

When he opened the door he sall his mother and him in the siting area. His body instinctively started to shake. (W-why is he here?! I-I-I thought m-mom said he wasn't going to be here till midnight?!)

He started to shake a bit more having a bit of a hard time getting oxygen into his lungs. His father was the first to turn around to face him. Immediately his face twisted to one of calmness to rage at the sight of him. Though his mother just sat there watching it unfold in fount of her with a smile on her face.

"What took you so fucking long you-!" He stopped speaking unknown to the boy there was a black animal behind him. The boy instantly looked behind himself having a bad feeling.

When he sall Floof standing behind him growling at his father his eyes widened in shock. "GO! Now!!" He managed to yell out as he felt his hair being pulled back so harshly he wouldn't be surprised if a clump of his hair was ripped out.

But to his dismay Floof just stud there seeming to get the hint that this male was hurting his friend so he just growled even more taking his stans ready to naw him to death. His father seemed to acknowledge the fact that he new this wolf so then said,"What you fucking know this filthy mutt?!"

He kicked the wolf strait in the ribs so hard he could have sworn he heard a crack.




The boy felt water well up in his eyes as he ran up to him trying to get him to stop. "S-s-SToP P-pLeASe!" He grabbed his arm pulling scratching doing anything to make him stop. "You Bitch! Get him fucking off me!" He heard a loud screeching sound behind him when he felt a hand dig it's nails into his skin ripping him from his father.

"N-no! L-let me g-go!" He kicked and screamed but he new it was futile. His father just smiled as he grabbed the wolfs scruff then slamming him to the floor.




Felt tears brake free from his eyelids for the first time. He shook so hard he wouldn't be able to stand even if he wanted to. Tears clouded his vision as he sall h-him lift his foot above Floof's leg staring right at him. Floof looked at him scared trying to get up to evade the blow but couldn't move.

Floof looked at him seeming to be begging him to save him from all the pain but that only caused the boy to cry even more. He kicked screamed and screamed then he heard it a loud crack causing his whole body to flinch.




He looked back only to see his f-f-father lift his foot again smashing down on his spine. He screamed louder than ever not hearing even a sound from Floof, just laying there as he got repeatedly stomped on.



The wolfs body was a bloody mess with bones sticking out in an unnatural way and his guts stuck to his fa-thers boot. He was frozen sold the only movement he couldn't stop was his shaking body. His tears were still flowing none stop as he starred at his only friends lifeless body just lay there with blank eyes.

"F-floof..? F-f-loof you c-can't be d-ead c-can y-ou? Floof..?" His eyes went crazed as he finally registered what had happened. "why.....? why,whywhywhy?" He just keep repeating that word over and over as he sall his FATHER wipe his boot on the only part of it's body that still had fur left.

"Oh shut the fuck up! It was just a fucking disgusting mutt!" His face had disgust righten all over it then he said. "Go throw him in the basement! Then go clean this up when your done."

Mom nodded then went to the end of the stairs opening a door to the basement. With wide eyes he looked back at his father then yelled,screamed even,"No! P-LEASE D-DON'T I-I DON'T W-WANT T-O G-GO B-BACK TH-ERE P-P-P-LEASE I-'LL B-BE G-GOOD!!"

His fAtHeR only smiled devilishly at him as his screams got muffled by the darkness as the door shut, enveloping him into darkness....

Hi hi that was 1007 words! 😊 I hope my chainsaws enjoyed! Don't ask I just felt like givin' y'all or ya guys a nick name! But I have to say I cried as I was rightin' this I'm not kidin'! 😭 And I really enjoyed rightin' this in a good way I hope ya know... Last think I wanna say..... Like father like son... And with that I hope you have a Good day! 😊

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