I tried calming down so I could cool off and go back to sleep. After a couple minutes a finally cooled off. I tried going back to sleep but I couldn't. I just needed a katsuki hug. Or just him in my presence. I needed him, he's my comfort, my safe space.

I get up and put grab the hoodie he gave me from out first date. It stilled smelled like him. Caramel and cologne. I put the hood on and closed my eyes. But I couldn't fall asleep. I'm scared. What if he comes back. What if he takes me again.

All these thoughts running through my head not allowing me to fall back asleep.


The time read 5:39am.

My body started to shut off. My eyes went dark. I finally fell asleep.


I wake up with barley any motivation to do anything after not really sleeping last night.

I look at my phone and the it read, •10 am Sunday•

I put it back under my pillow and sleep some more. Or atleast try to.

Katsuki comes to my room knocking loudly.

"I'm coming shut up." I said slowly rising from my bed opening the door.

"You look like you didn't sleep at all last night." He said examining my face.

"Thanks. Maybe because I didn't." I said annoyed.

He walked in and I went back to my bed.

"Hey, hello! You have to take your meds." He yelled at me.

"Katuski! It's 10 am not 5 pm. I do not have to take them!" I said yelling back at him.

"The doctor called kaki and said you have to take them in the morning now idiot! Yell at me again and see what happens!" He yelled going in my bathroom for my meds.

I sat up and he handed me the meds with water.

"Great can I sleep now?" I asked.

"Hmm, no. Get up cmon." He said tugging at my arm.

"It's Sunday. Let me sleep in please. I barley slept last night." I said fighting him.

"Fine. I'll be downstairs loser." He said walking out of my dorm and to the common area.

•••*night time*

Let's just say I wasn't thinking right last night. I was always scared Dabi was going to be there. To take me. To touch me. To hurt me. I regret last night. I was clean for 14 days. It could have been 15 but I had to screw it up.


"Hey loser!" You heard Katuski from the other side of your dorm door. You always leave the door unlocked so he can wake you up in the morning.

You couldn't find the motivation to get up. Not even when he seems in a good mood.

"Dumbass?! Are you even up you lazy ass."  His hand slams against your door frame as he peeks into your room.

"Hey time to get up, you gotta take your meds." He said oddly softly.

It was weird to have him care for you so much but you weren't going to complain.

"Come on..." Katuski wanders to your bed and tugs the blanket down a bit.

Instinctively you curl up, pressing the inside of your arms against your chest.

"Katsuki it's cold.." you whine, one hand reaching the blanket to cover back up.

"Sorry- hey what is that." His red eyes flicker down to your arm in the bicep area. His thumb flicks the blanket down a little to reveal at least 5 scars.

"It's nothing Katuski, they're old." You mutter out.

"By what? A day? I thought you were doing better baby." He snarls. He sucks in a deep breath as if telling himself to calm down. He knows his yelling wouldn't get him anywhere with your feelings.

"Ya I thought so to. But they're just surface cuts anyways. Not like it matters. They aren't even gonna scar." You retorted bitterly, rolling over and pulling the blanket up over your body again.

"That shits not happening here. I know I can't just tell you to stop doing it, I know it's an addiction but when you feel like doing it, call me. You don't understand how fucking fast I will run to your room." He growls.

You sit up rubbing your bleary eyes and staring at katsuki." Are you kidding me?"

"No. I'm serious." He stands up with his arms covering his chest dominantly.

"Why are you always so stubborn." You say grabbing your water from the nightstand.

"Because I love you now get up and get dressed. Let's take your medicine." He said walking to my bathroom.

Hope u enjoyed as alwayssss love ya 💞

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