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Aimee's POV
The nurse came back with a doctor which made me really nervous on what the heck was going on. "Hey Aimee. How are you doing?" The doctor asked, grabbing the ultrasound microphone and ran it on my stomach as the nurse watch.

"Um I'm alright. What's going on? Is everything okay?" I asked panicking and I felt Shawn squeeze my hand a little.

"Can you print out the ultrasound picture please" The doctor asked the nurse and she nods. "Okay. So everything seems to be okay and healthy" she says cleaning up and cleaning the gel off of my stomach.

"However, there isn't just one. There's two" she says, as I sit up and pull my shirt down. I looked at Shawn to see his eyes widened but I didn't have a clue what she was talking about. It was common sense but I honestly wasn't paying attention.

"Two what?" I asked and Shawn looked at me. "Two babies. We're having twins Aimee" Shawn answered for the doctor and my eyes widened. Should I be excited? Scared? I had no clue how to feel about the news. The big news. This was the one thing I least expected to hear. We're going from a family of 4 to a family of six. Oh god....

"Congratulations" The doctor laughed and I looked at her. "So I know you two have some concerns about this pregnancy" the doctor said and I nod.

"Uh yeah. A few years ago Aimee's doctor ran tests on her and it was confirmed that she couldn't have anymore babies. We constantly tried hoping for a miracle but nothing happened so we did not expect this at all" Shawn answered and the doctor nods as the nurse gave her the ultrasound picture.

"Yeah. Once you told me you had concerns and everything I contacted your old doctor just to see what was going on etc. The babies are super healthy" the doctor smiled handing me the picture.

"However, with the condition you are in we would recommend you not to do a lot. Like you said, it's a miracle you're pregnant so I don't wanna risk you losing the babies. So just try to relax a lot, sit as much as possible, and try not to get stressed over anything. I also just want to prepare you for when it's time to have the babies. Depending on what happens later on you might land up having a C-Section. Especially if you're having twins but we won't know for sure until we get close to your due date. We also want you to be prepared what might come to you. I don't want to scare you or anything but I do want to prepare you for one thing. When it is time to deliver the babies, they may or may not survive due to the condition you have. You might lose one baby, you might lose both or they might both survive. They're looking healthy right now so I wanna keep an eye on that just to make sure everything is the way it's supposed to be" the doctor said smiling.

I took a deep breath and nod looking at Shawn. I was terrified.

"Can you go get Jackson" the doctor asked the nurse and she nods walking out. "You said that I have to relax. Does that mean I'm on bed rest and can't go to work?" I asked.

"Not necessarily. Where do you work?" She asked. "A daycare. I sit most of the day but I do also have to move around" I answered and she nods. "That'll be fine. I just don't want you running around chasing the kids and doing crazy stuff like that. I also don't want you to lift heavy things" she says and I nod.

"We do have a vacation coming up soon for our kids. Would we be able to still go?" Shawn asked and the doctor smiled. "Yeah. But like I said. Don't do crazy stuff" she says and I nod as the other doctor and nurse came in.

"So my name is Arizona. I'm the doctor for the pregnancy in case something goes wrong and the kids once they are born. So a pediatrician. But this will be your main doctor Jackson. He'll be the one doing the ultrasounds and delivering your baby unless something goes wrong. And that's the nurse that'll be helping most of the time, Lexi" she says introducing us and I smiled shaking their hands.

"Okay. You're good to go. If you have any questions or think anything is wrong please don't hesitate to call us. You have our number. And before you leave I wanna just tell both you and your husband that we will try EVERYTHING in our power to make sure everything goes smoothly and the twins will survive" Arizona said and I smiled thanking them and we walked out.

Did you expect them to have twins?

What do you think the genders will be?

Do you think they'll be complications during this pregnancy?

Do you think both babies will survive?

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