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Aimee's POV
We were just in the hospital. We got here around 4 in the morning and it's currently 6 in the morning. Shawn and I tried getting rest when we got here but I just couldn't fall asleep. I was in pain constantly. I kept getting contractions.

Alexa is in the room next to us. Shawn has been nonstop checking in on her. We feel terrible about her not having anyone with her. So Shawn found her moms phone number and he's gonna call her in a little bit. Since we couldn't fall asleep last night Shawn bought two plane tickets for her parents but we couldn't get flights until tonight so they might make in time for the baby to be born. But at least they'll be the first to hold their new grandchild. I'm excited and just hope they'll be able to make it. I'm sure they would. That'll mean I'll get to meet my best friends mom and dad. I'm kinda excited.

Shawn is actually checking in with Alexa right now so I'm going to call my dad and just update him and ask if he could get to our house a little earlier. I was gonna call him as soon as we got to the hospital but like I mentioned before. It was 4 am. I wanted to let him sleep. He usually wakes up around 6 so I gave him a call.

"Hey Aimee. How's it going?" He asked.

"Did I wake you up?" I asked.

"No. I woke up 10 minutes ago. I'm having coffee right now and watching tv. I've been dying to hear from you!" He says. He's been really excited about this birth. He wasn't this excited when I was pregnant with Adalynn so this has been a easier and happier pregnancy. But he still obviously love Adalynn. They have a incredible bond.

"It's going good. Ive been having crazy contractions but I'm only 4 centimeters since they last checked which was at 4:30. They should be coming back in soon to check again. But is there any chance you could go to the house earlier? Things changed. Alexa's water broke at the exact same time so we're both at the hospital. Aleena stayed with the kids overnight but I told her I'd call you. They aren't going to school either" I say, looking at a random doctor who just walked in.

"Of course Aimee. I'll go now. Please keep me updated and let me know if you need anything. Love you" he says and I smiled. "I love you too!" I say, hanging up. "Hey, may I help you?" I asked, looking at the doctor that was getting his things ready.

"You're Aimee, right?" He asked and I nod. "I'm gonna be your new doctor from now on. Your old doctor is no longer working for us due to personal reason she has. I'm doctor Avery. You could just call me Jackson" he smiled shaking my hand. He was kind cute not gonna lie. And he had the most gorgeous eyes.

"Nice to meet you" I smiled. "Okay. So how are you feeling?" He asked, putting gloves on. "I'm feeling fine at the moment. But I definitely feel the contractions getting stronger" I say, and he touched my legs to spread them causing me to flinch. He looked at me concerned. "I'm sorry. I'm just not used to a guy doctor" I chuckled.

"That's okay. I completely understand! I'm not gonna judge or hurt you. I'm just gonna check to see how dialated you are" he smiled and I nod letting him do his thing. "Okay, so you're 5 centimeters dilated" he says, taking his gloves off. "That's all?" I asked, groaning and he chuckled.

"Hey, can I actually ask you a question?" I asked. "Of course" he says, washing his hands. "Okay, so I don't know if it's possible or if you could do it but is there any way you could move my best friend Alexa in the room with me. Our water broke at the exact same time and she has no one. She's terrified and my husband has been going in every hour to check on her and see how she's doing. Her parents are in a different state and she just broke up with her fiancé and she's alone and we thought it'd be really cool if we gave birth at the exact same time together" I asked, and he shrugged.

"I can't promise you anything. I'll try to see what I could do but it'll also be really chaotic in here and crowded with all the doctors but I'll definitely see. What room is she in?" He asked. Alexa has a different doctor so he wasn't sure.

"She's actually in the room next door to us" I say, pointing to the direction of Alexa's room. "I'll see what I could" he smiled. "Thank you" I say. As he walked out, Shawn walked in. "Who is that?" He asked, sitting on the end of my bed.

"That's my new doctor, Jackson Avery. How's Alexa?" I asked. "She's alright. She's 6 centimeters dilated but she's bored and of course terrified of being alone" he says. "I'm 6 centimeters dilated too" I smiled. "Oh. I'm sorry I wasn't here when they checked you" he says. "That's okay" I answered. He grabbed his phone and started dialing a number.

"What you doing?" I asked. "Calling Alexa's parents" he says, walking to the other side of the room. I smiled grabbing my phone to see my dad texted me and sent me a picture.

"I went to your house and checked on all the kids and I walked in Aleena's room and see this 🥺❤️" he texted and sent me a picture. It was Aleena, Rosalie, and Adalynn cuddling and they were all asleep. It was so cute and of course I had to show Alexa.

"I love this! 🥺❤️❤️ tell Aleena to call me when she wakes up please!" I texted back and put my phone on the side table. I looked at Shawn who just got off the phone. "So?" I asked. "Alexa's mom and dad are coming tonight. They'll be getting on the flight we paid for. They were really grateful and cried. They're gonna stay for a little while" he answered and I smiled. We decide not to tell Alexa. She'll find out when they get here. I'm really excited.

Shawn sat next to me and the door opens with bunch of people coming in pushing Alexa in while she laid on the bed. "Hey best friend!" She says, excitedly and I laughed. "Thank you so much!" I say, looking at Jackson. "Of course. I'll be back later to check on you" he says, and everyone walked out.

They put Alexa's bed right next to mine. "You didn't have to do this" Alexa smiled. "I know. I just thought it'd be cool to give birth together" I say. "Oh crap. That means I'll be okay with two women screaming and birthing babies. That is so amazing" Shawn says sarcastically and we all laughed.

1.) How do you feel about Aimee's dad feeling excited about this birth? Why?

2.) What's your thoughts on Aimee's new doctor?

3.) What are your thoughts on Aimee and Shawn's plan to fly Alexa's parents to Florida? Do you think she'll be excited? Why or why not?

4.) Thoughts on Aimee's idea of moving Alexa into the same room? Was that a good idea? Do you feel bad for Shawn?

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