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I slowed my pace to a brisk walk as I passed the Welcome to Texas sign. Why are you doing this? What has this girl done for us?  I glared at Major's words She doesn't have to do anything for me... just being with her- around her makes me feel happy, whole. It makes me feel like me and not 100 other people. That's what she's done for us. Without warning a strong pain ran through me causing me to grip my head If you won't do the smart thing I will.  I felt my control slip I may be able to control Major sometimes but deep down I knew

he'd always be stronger.


I made it back to the barn just as Jack was sending the newborns away to feed," hey Y/n- what's wrong?" he immediately asked me,  I sighed Lord, he's known me for so long that he knows. He always seems to know now. Jack's ability was nothing like Jasper's he could control your thoughts, he could plant ideas in your head. Jack's eyes were glazed with worry, "Seriously what's wrong? It's written all over your face." I shrugged "nothing. I'm fine."

Jack knew when to press and when to back down, He shook his head "okay, whatever." 

"wanna go feed? Your eyes are black as pitch." I turned my face away from him "N-no, I need to talk to some of the recruits..." Jack sighed heavily "Alright." Then he took off towards our.. "Feeding grounds"

I want to feed I just don't want to feed on... them. but There's no other way Y/n. Its feed off of them or starve and then eventually feed anyways. My mind turned over to the Cullen's and there strange golden eyes. Stop! you're here they're there I went over to the training section, I was alone the old barn creaked every now and then but all around me, it was silent. I turned a full circle and looked around me remembering the first time Maria brought me here


I was terrified, All I remember was walking home after my date with B/F/N, It was a chilly night for Texas but I was fine, B/F/N had given me his jacket. Much against my will, I remember how warm and soft the leather was against my cold skin, how much I'd wished I could've walked home with him and not alone. Then the last thing I remember of my human life is being run into by an unnaturally pale man then, a burning pain ripping through me, It took mere seconds for me to drop to the ground and scream. the pain seemed to go on for years but After the pain finally did subside I realized that I was something strange

something inhuman.

I was alone when Maria found me, took me in, and taught me 

to fight, to feed, to live. 

There was no other way she told me this is how we are supposed to live. I listened to every word she said. After a while, After I proved my usefulness, I started to worship the ground she walked on. She was all I knew. She told me I was special, unique, She told me I was her only love she. gave me the nickname 'Mi hija' meaning my daughter. She made me feel wanted. There was one thing strange she did when she was alone I could constantly hear her talking about "her Jasper" "Her love" to Lenny, her old Major.


Suddenly I was ripped out of my dream-like state, My eyes shot open "Jasper?!" I whispered to my self in a slight panic, then I remember another rather unnerving detail

his scent was here

or it had been here.

his picture was in Maria's locket, the only Jewelry I've ever really seen her wear

and his name on her lips.

My head was spinning, the whole time, he knew. He KNEW about Maria why else would he say those strange things. He was "Her Major" he was "Her Jasper" I gripped both sides of my head, trying to squeeze the new information out "No, No. No!" I basically yelled.

Maria was by my side in an instant.

"Mi hija? What's wrong?" Concern was lacing her tone, I turned on her 

"Why didn't you tell me?!" I yelled, unable to keep my usually cool composure with her Maria's eyes showed her confusion "Tell you?" I pointed at her locket which was sitting on top of her blouse, open showing a painfully familiar face. "Why didn't you tell me about him?!" Maria glanced at her locket, saying nothing. "You told me I was your 'only love' that there was 'no one' but Lenny before me! You lied! You played with me, Maria! I've been nothing but a pawn to you!" my voice flattered with hurt, "You- you've used me to do all your dirty work and I've stupidly been nothing but loyal to you. How could I have been so- so... naive?" I gripped my sides, trying to hold myself together.

the only person I thought I could trust and...she'd lied to me about everything. Everything I thought I knew.

Maria tried to put her hand on my arm but I back away from her, from her touch and Ran.

I ran as fast as I could possibly go, letting my mind turn over everything I'd just learned.

Everything I'd just lost.

The cruel voice in my head said see? I told you. She doesn't care...she never did. this time I didn't push down the thought because it was true.

When the sun was raising I stopped running and found a place to stay, away from others and out of the sun. I coughed, it had been a long time since I last fed, my throat was burning, but I had to resist I couldn't risk being discovered. after a moment I found an old home, the door opened with screaming hinges. I cringed and walked in. little did I know that inside stood a certain golden-eyed vampire, Jasper who had been silently looking out the window spun around with his superhuman speed, crouched into a defensive position then immediately relaxed his position when he saw me "Y-Y/n?" he studdered out shocked, I looked at him in complete shock why was he here?!, I mentally screamed. I looked at him something was different in his eyes though I couldn't quite place it. Jasper crossed the steps the separated us and gripped my arms, tightly. I stood still looking into his eyes, he looked into mine.

something crossed his face, an uncertain look. Without warning, he pulled me into a hug he buried his face in my hair, and held me close, breathing deeply. After a moment he let me go but still held me close, "Why are you here? I'm glad you are, by someone in a million chance mind you, but why are you here and not with..." "Maria?" I offered, I looked into his eyes for a moment, I'm not even mad at him for not telling me about Maria... I dropped my eyes, "You were right Jasper... Maria used me. She couldn't have cared less about me she was hung up on you." Jasper made a surprised sound, I just shook my head and looked at him "I know why you said the things you said now, and you were right" even I could hear the raw hurt in my voice All those years..lost. Jasper sighed.

"I'm sorry, I didn't want to be right, Y/n" I nodded "yeah, I know." I walked over to the single window and gazed out, thinking. I turned around to ask Jasper what I should do but saw him gripping his head and growling like an animal "Jasper?!" Worry was thick in my voice, I rushed over to him and grabbed his shoulders, "Jasper? What's wrong?!" He didn't seem to be able to answer me He trashed for a second more before his eyes slid up to mine, 

His eyes were cold and unforgiving. I backed away, "J-Jasper?" He walked towards me slowly like a hunter nearing the end of the hunt. My back hit a wall, "Jasper, I don't want to fight you." Jasper gave a cold laugh "I wouldn't want to fight me either." I recognized this voice, his voice but cold "Major" I whisper he gave another laugh "Oh, so she remembers!" he hissed, Panic rose in me "Please, don't do this we don't have to fight!" I implored. Major put his hands on both sides of my head, "I know that's why I'll make your death quick." With that, I felt his teeth graze the skin of my neck.

Another chapter out BOOM!

I hope you all like this! 

As ALWAYS thank you to all my awesome readers out there!!!

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I hope y'all have an AWESOME day


word count:1500

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