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 I sat in the warm sun watching the rainbows for my skin reflect on the wall of the old barn, I took in a deep breath and smiled slightly, I'm glad to be back here..back home. I sat silently with the warm wind, It was peaceful for a second longer before my rebellious thoughts wandered over to Jasper... Jasper, My silent heart jolted,  my mind flashed to his glittering face, his pale lips so close to mine, his gentle touch, his smothering gaze, his... I was jerked out of my reverie by Maria Shaking my shoulder, "Mi hija, its time to go." I nodded, "Yes, ma'am" I gracefully jumped up and followed Maria.


From the corner of my eye, I watched Y/n. Lately, she'd been... different. She was distracted and less talkative, she wasn't a big talker, to begin with. I watched her gracefully jump up and stroll over to me. She walked beside me with a thoughtful expression, I wonder if Jasper has anything to do with this. Once or twice she'd come home with his scent clinging to her, Salt in my wound. I felt an irrational pang of panic rise up in me She has been unwaveringly loyal for the past 77 years, she wouldn't just leave me for...him. Over the years i'd grown a certain aversion towards him, I wanted him but I also hated him for leaving me. She looked like him sometimes, when she was in her uniform, like now. (picture above is your uniform) I hated her sometimes for the fact that she looked like him... but at the end of the day, she was still my loyal Major. Y/n stopped walking when I did and looked at me, "who is it tonight?", She always knows what I wanted or needed to do. Sometimes before I did. I gave her a slight smile that was all I could manage with the way she looked, standing stiffly her hands clasped behind her back. Just like him. I told her the names of our newest, soon-to-be, soldiers. She nodded respectfully, "Yes ma'am, I'll have them." I nodded at her "I know you will, My Major." Her eyes glinted with the hint of a smile.


Y/N's P.O.V

I looked at the 15...and the 3 that lay dismantled on the floor, newborns that stood in front of me, they all still looked scared and confused, I shook my head disappointed, "Listen up!" I said in a commanding voice, all eyes turned towards me, "You are not here to mindlessly kill each other!" I continued to use the same commanding voice. They all were listening intently, "You are here to learn to fight! To learn to live! Because, the sad truth is, you are nothing more than a pawn! You are disposable and easily replaced! Do you all understand this?! You aren't fighting for me, your fighting for yourselves and your life!" A few nodded while some said "Yes, ma'am" I smiled slightly, this will be a good group, it'll be a shame to rid of them later I thought as I looked at their faces. "Alright, Pups! let's get to training!" I yelled. They all followed me still bickering quietly amongst themselves.


I paced continuously fighting with myself. I knew where she's gone but

Should I follow her? what if she wants to be alone. Maybe I overstepped my bounds. Why did I try to kiss her? how could I have been so stupid?! I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't see Carlisle and Esme watching me with concerned expressions. Carlisle was the first to speak "Son, you need to feed. I've never seen you like this." Esme gently touched my arm, I flinched and blinked once "Jasper, Listen. I don't know whats got you like this but please stop doing this. Go feed, Emmett already said he'd go with you." I stared at Esme and Carlisle, "okay." I sighed slightly She's gone you can't change that. She's gone deal with it. Why do you care anyway? I frowned Why do I care so much? why is her... absence making me feel like this?  I pondered the question as Emmet and I ran towards Alaska, then I had a realization, I care about her so much because I care for her. when she's gone, I feel pain because...

I love her. I was at one time her I know the pain of Maria mind games.She deserved someone better than her

major growled, Don't do something we'll regret, you're a Major at the very least attempt to act like one.

Hellllloooooooo I don't know if it was too early to play the 'I love you' card but I did so *shrug* oh well

I hope you all like this chapter!! Feel free to drop a vote and tell me what you think!

I hope you all have a Fantabulous day!


word count:823

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