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I was sitting outside, alone. "I have to do this.." I mumble to myself "I have to leave him..." a blossom of sadness blooms in my chest. "I can't let him leave for someone as..."broken? deranged,..unwanted?'  the cruel part of my mind said. I cringe at the thought. I start staring off into space letting my mind wander. Where could I go? 

How could I go? How could I hurt Jasper like that? I promised him I'd-

A hand on my shoulder rips me out of my thoughts, I flinch and look at the person to who the hand was attached, Jasper looked down at me with a concerned look "Are you alright? You seemed tense" he sits beside me, I frown and look away. I have to do this I think, clenching my hands in my lap "Jasper..." He looks at me, "Yes?" I look at him for the last time, his soft, messy hair, burning golden eyes, his softly curved lips. I swallow hard "I-I need to go hunt...al-alone" Jasper tips his head to the side, he stands up and stands in front of me "Alright. listen y/n don't feel guilty about me leaving here..." he grabs one of my clenched fists, I nod and bite my lip, I didn't trust my self to speak. Jasper kisses the top of my head, I lean into the touch. "don't be too long, love" he says before walking away.

I don't respond.

~Time skip because let's get to the good stuff~

it had only been 3 hours since I'd left but I'd already managed to get to the edge of Washington, "I'm really doing this" I mumble a large part of me didn't think I'd actually be able to force myself to leave. Starring behind me fillings of guilt eating me up, "this is for the best" I say before I Take off back to the only place I know...


Jasper's P.O.V

It had been over 5 hours since Y/n name had left.... where was she? My mind was running a mile a minute She should be here, was she hurt? She could be dead, I need to go find her... No, I sigh, she needs her time alone...But what if...What if she left? I shake my head against the horrible thought...she...she wouldn't do that. 



Night was falling and my thoughts kept turning over to Jasper, how hurt he must be...how worried..he would think to look for me here. I growl and stop running to sniff the air...I was getting close. I look around to make sure I wasn't being followed, an old habit of mine.   It was another hour of walking before the barn was in my line of sight, I frown and stop.

I didn't have to go back to her, but I was. I shake my head a bit, glaring at the barn, I growl deeply and walks the rest of the way to the barn, suddenly without warning I'm tackled to the ground, my instincts kick in, I turn around and easily flips my attacker on their back, their inexperienced...must be a newborn I think as I struggle to pin the red-haired newborn to the ground. She's snapping her teeth at me with rage and possibly fear in her crimson eyes. Annoyed I place my hands on both sides of her head and twist violently, Snapping her head off in one smooth motion.

I stand up and take a breath, I brush the dust off my clothes then hear a slow clapping from behind me, I spin on my heel and face the sound. Maria stood there with an impressed look "Hello, Y/N" she says quietly. I look at her, silent. Maria motions to the newborn on the ground, "She was one of our best, undefeated" she glances at me. 

Maria lets out a light laugh, something similar to small bells, it'd be a beautiful sound .....if I didn't know her. She smiles at me her face all maternal affection, "I knew you'd come back mi hija." She says quietly taking a few steps towards me, Every muscle in my body tenses. she places her hand on my cheek and pats it gently "You're too weak to stay away from me" she says with a chuckle. I frown and have to withhold a growl, weak... I feel burning rage in my chest but I hide it.

She pats my head, "Follow me" she orders, I grit my teeth but comply. She takes me into the barn when I'm immediately tackled again, but this time it's in a hug. Jack,His large arms are around me, crushing me to his chest in a very rare display of affection. I tense up, unsure if I should return the awkward hug. He finally lets me go, his large cool hands brush my face, my shoulder, arms, just making sure I'm there "Did you miss me?" I ask suddenly, His red eyes turn on mine, "Yes..I missed you I thought you had... had died" he says in a voice just above a whisper. I'm vaguely aware of Maria's eyes on us. I take a step away from him, and glance at Maria, her face is a stone mask.

Maria suddenly looks at me "While we're glad you are back....you still need to be punished for leaving the way you did...whats more is you left for...him" she spits the word out, my face stays emotionless as I look at her, a familiar twinge of fear has settled in my chest like a stone. I look at her, she glares at me " So what should we do?" she looks at Jack who was frozen, he obviously wasn't expecting this. He looks at me with something akin to fear in his red eyes. I look back at him, this isn't his fault. 

Maria Walks over to  Jack and places her hands on his shoulder, she squeezes, He winces. My heart drops, no, she wouldn't. Jack had always been there for me..he was a good guy who was roped into a hell on earth. I tense up mentally begging her to not kill him, it wasn't his fault I left. Maria smirks dangerously, glaring at me and Ignoring the horrified look on Jack's face as her hands glided up to both sides of his head, I shake my head "You must be taught a lesson Mi hi-

Without warning I run at her tacking her to the dusty ground, whatever attachment I'd felt for her was gone... she had done nothing, nothing but use me. She's played with me like a toy...just something to be thrown away when she's done with it! Maria flipped us over she was on top of me, trying to get a firm grip on my head, teeth flashing and growling we both struggle against each other. She may have taught me how to fight...but  I have always been stronger.

In a flash we were on over feet she had me pinned to the wall of the old barn, her teeth were snapping mere centimeters from my neck, Swiftly I swipe her feet out from under her, she yelps and goes down, I pick her up and throw her across the barn, she growls, glaring daggers at me from the ground across the barn, I am slightly hunched over fingers flexing at my side, I'm ready for her to rush at me, but she just stands there, glaring. 'what is she doing?'  I wonder looking at her. Jack is standing back with a stunned look.

Maria brushes off the front of her dress and approaches me slowly "Now, Now mi hija. We can settle this in a more...civilized way." she says in a voice as smooth and sweet as molasses. I growl at her, she stops approaching me. She puts both of her hands up, palms facing me. "Come now, let's go get something to eat and wash that disgusting scent off you" She takes another step towards me, I glare at her. this wasn't Maria...what was she doing? I keep my eyes on her. She gets within 4 feet of me before she smiles and extends her hand "Mi hija" She says with a warm voice that makes me feel physically sick. 

When I growl at her and every once of kindness melt from her inhumanly beautiful face. She lunges forwards teeth bared, Without a second thought I grab her head with my iron grip and slam her to the ground, I twist once. The defining crunch of Maria's head leaving her body echos in the otherwise silent barn. I stand up and brush the dirt and dust off my clothes, Jack just looks at me half with gratitude, half with horror. "get out of here, leave and never turn back" I order quietly, he looks at me for a while longer before he complies and darts away.

I look at Maria's body I feel a pang of regret, I take the box of matches that we always kept in the barn, and light one...I stop before I drop it over her body. I snuff out the match and lean over her...The locket...the picture of Jasper. I swallow hard and take the locket slipping it on over my head, Then I light a match and drop it on Maria, I quickly get out of the barn. knowing it will be up in flames in a matter of seconds.

My mind is racing, I can't go back...but I know what I can do. The vampires like her... like Maria needed to go. I gently brush the locket's face and take off toward the horizon.



I didn't read this chapter over so - sorry about any grammatical errors.

Hope y'all like this chapter!


word count: 1645

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