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F/J- Favorite Jacket

N/F/F- other names for a friend (I don't know how else to put this. Words like 'Mate', 'Love', 'Bub', buddy')



7 Months...It's been 7 months since I killed her.

Maria. 7 months since I turned my own world on its head. Leaving Jasper and losing Maria. The one who taught me. The night air was thick and warm, I'm sure crickets were singing but not here in this city. I close my eyes when the wind blows, it felt wonderful. 

I shake my head, making my H/L hair fly, I run a hand through my hair making a sad attempt to fix it. I sat in the shadows of a closed cafe, watching a very handsome man with shiny ebony hair, who was talking flirtatiously with a woman. Even from my spot, I could see her blush. I chuckle a bit. Humans were such easy easy to fool. I frown ever since Jasper I'd rearranged my diet. I did have cheat days, I won't lie but I'd changed enough that my formerly blood-red eyes were a darker golden color. It was still something strange to see.

I shift in my seat and watch him. He was my new target. Mister Alexander Cairo. He was well known for building immortal armies from just girls. Not sure why he just did. I watch him closely, it wasn't long before I see his hand wave over the poor girl's drink, he dropped something in. I sigh, I have to let this story play out. I lean back in my chair then a familiar scent dances in my nose.

I look around with slightly slimmed eyes, I tip my head back slightly and take a deep sniff. It couldn't be.  Could it? My eyes slim further, I stand up and walk toward the direction the scent was coming from. My fist clench into tight balls beside me, adrenalin courses through me, my senses heighten. 

I inch towards the dark alleyway. Why did it seem all the shady crap happened in alleys? I shake my head and continue moving slowly towards the dark area. Did I really want to know if I was right?

No. I did not.

My un-needed breathing becomes shallow and uneven with nerves. I stand at the mouth of the Alley my shadow stretches to the point that it melts into the shadows that are already there. It takes my eyes but a second to adjust, soon I see it, a person at the end of the alleyway, he was slumped on the ground and judging by the smell. Dead. 

I frown and approach the body, it was a clean kill but obviously, a vampire's kill. I was far too clean to be a newborn's kill. A familiar scent lingered around the body. I frown and look around. I stand there perfectly still, waiting for something, anything to happen.

Nothing did. I walk away with a shudder. I had to be losing it. 

By the time I get back to my spot, Alexander was gone. Damn. I growl quietly and decide to go back to my...home...if you could call it that. I sigh when I walk through the door, it was messy. cloths were haphazardly thrown on the floor, un-needed blankets were thrown on the couches. I sigh and start to pick up some of the clothes and fold the blankets. "Why do I even have these?" I mumble as I put them in a chest in the corner of the dark living room. I look around the room.

At least it was less messy now. I think as I rub my face. It really sucks that I can't sleep. I don't even need it but I want it... just that momentary release from my constant running thoughts. I sigh heavily and sit down heavily on the couch. I close my eyes and let my mind go. 

I've become so careful about what I let myself think about. Jasper was a big no-no. Maria was still hard to think about but... now and then I let myself give in to the raw pain of remembering them. Sometimes it felt good to remember them. 

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