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I don't know why Maria would ever want to move to this cold, dreary, rainy place... I sighed as I watched the greenery speed by. Maria looked over at me from the drivers seat of her charger "Whats wrong?" I looked at her with my crimson eyes "Why are moving here of all places?" Maria stiffened "We have business here." She said hardly "Don't question my decisions." There was an unmistakable ring of authority in her voice.I nodded and quietly said "Yes, ma'am" I sat silently for a while longer before I saw a sign that read THE CITY OF FORKS WELCOMES YOU....population 3,862. My eyes widened What was Maria thinking? I looked at Maria "population 3,862?" She glanced at me "Pray tell, How do you intend on us feeding inconspicuously?" I tilted my head, Maria gave a small smile she's not telling me something....again I thought as I crossed my arms. Maria gently touched my shoulder "Have I ever let you go hungry?" I huffed "No." I said quietly. Maria smiled peacefully "alright then. You needn't worry, Mi hija" I smiles slightly.

   It didn't take long after that for us to pull into a small,quaint, cottage tucked away into the woods, away from the town. (this is what it looks like)

I felt my eyes widen as I opened the door of the car and stepped out into the misting rain"Wow

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I felt my eyes widen as I opened the door of the car and stepped out into the misting rain"Wow.." Usually little places like this held no appeal to me but it felt like there was something...deeper here... Something powerful something that was mine. Maria walked up behind me and shook my shoulder "Y/N" I shook my head lightly as I felt a fuzzy feeling leave me "Sorry Maria....I zoned out" i said as I grabbed our bags from the trunk of the car. 

Time Skip to later that night

I stared out the window and watched the rain poor down the window panes, "So, do you like the house, Mi hija?" I looked at her and smiled happily "Yes! It's......its beautiful." Maria looked at me slightly smiling "I though you didn't like small places." I rolled my eyes playfully "Well this place is the exception." Maria shook her head while laughing quietly and sat parallel to me "Y/N" I looked over to her, her eyes told me she was about to tell me something I didn't want to hear here we go, I thought as I felt my anxiety level raise "Y-yes?" Maria's dark red eyes bored into my own "Just know ahead of time you have no say in this but, You are going to the local school." I shook my head "Maria, have you taken into consideration that i'm a vampire?!  being around that many blood filled people may not be the best idea!" without warning a hand lashed out against my cheek, I felt my body go rigid as my already freezing body got cold. Maria was glaring at me harshly"I already told you that you had NO SAY in my decision!" I took in a deep breath and felt my body temperature return back to my normal "Yes ma'am, I'm sorry" I said while not meeting her eyes. Maria sighed and slumped down in her chair "great now i'm  the bad guy..." I clasped my hands together "I think i'll go explore" I said quietly, Maria looked up at me and nodded "alright just don't let anyone discover you" I nodded once back to her "Yes ma'am" I said then I ran off.

Hoped you all liked it! 

I welcome any constructive criticism! 

Its short, longer chapters will come in the future. 

Hope you all have an amazing day!

Author Out!

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