Chapter 19 - The Calm Before The Storm

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Author's Note: Enjoy all. Going to see if I can find a name for the clone trooper who has no name lol. Still editing this chapter, but not so much where it changes to the story. [Mostly grammar mistakes and/or insufficient descriptive writing] Guess in the comments what Chapter 20 is about. I have fun writing these on my own time, and again enjoy!

"Here we are. Cato Neimoidia. A planet for the wealthy." Anakin explained to Ahsoka as they hopped down from their Eta-2 Actis-class light interceptors. Ahsoka moved towards Anakin's position until they stood side-by-side with each other on the cliff's edge and surveyed the city of Zarra. It was suspended over a towering viaduct united by two natural mountains at the ends.

"You could say that again. Look at those jewelled palaces. No wonder they are so rich." Ahsoka remarked, kneeling with her binoculars equipped.

"The rich get richer, and the poor get poorer. R2, scan the area and notify the fleet to stand-by for my attack signal." Anakin ordered. R2 initiated his dish scanner and commenced relaying back to the fleet from Anakin's starfighter.

Suspicions of a hostile takeover were informed to the Jedi council by an anonymous source. Still, they needed to evaluate the situation for the Jedi to further assist the people. Witnesses recounted the kidnappings of Neimoidians from late at night to early morning when everyone is asleep. A point of interest Master Windu suggested was Trade Federation owned Lott Dods' Palace.

"The Palace over there. It's exactly described what it said on the reports. It looks like a good place to hide people in." Ahsoka aimed out her binoculars to a specific Palace poking out amidst the city.

"Well. Let's go check it out. See what the Separatists are hiding." Anakin acknowledged.

To Ahsoka's amazement, Anakin held his left hand out to Ahsoka. He implied that he wanted to hold hands with her, so Ahsoka contemplated at Anakin's hand and high-fived (or slapped) his palm. Anakin gazed up to Ahsoka to be greeted with a 'really?' expression on her face. He did not expect that.

"I don't think friends hold hands, Skyguy. It's inappropriate. Especially when we're on a mission." Ahsoka rebuked. Anakin had to think of a clever excuse, and regularly, he had one at hand.

"I was asking for my binoculars back. Thank you very much." Anakin grunted, receiving his equipment back and placing it back into his starfighter.

"Oh." She replied, her face flushed and hidden away from him momentarily.

"C'mon, let's head to the market and see what the local Cantina can give us. I'll lead the way," Anakin instructed.

Ahsoka nodded and followed behind him. They strolled into the desolate streets of Neimodia, where tourists from all over the galaxy come to congregate. But it was not lively. It was quite the opposite. Passing golden gilded houses on every block, they ultimately arrived at the marketplace where a Cantina symbol was radiating purple light. Federation's Folly.

As they entered Federation's Folly, they were embraced with vibrant Jazz music performed by the band positioned to the left. To the right, out-of-world species were arm wrestling, gambling a handful of credits over to the lucky winner. Anakin and Ahsoka strolled onwards toward the Cantina owner.

"One drink, please." Anakin requested, tossing a few Republic credits onto the yellow-golden metallic table. Ahsoka glanced over and denied Anakin's order.

"Master, what are you doing!?" She whispered into his ear.

"Don't worry, Snips. Obi-wan and I did this once. It's a good trick." Anakin tried to convince Ahsoka. "We are here for some information about Cato Neimoidia," Anakin stated.

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