Chapter 17 - Friends of Tano

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Author's Notes: Ahsoka's Point Of View. Enjoy! Thanks for 100 Likes, BTW!

I nonchalantly sneaked past Anakin's quarters as I carefully placed my tiny foot down, one after the other, to circumvent any confrontation among us, and initiated my direction towards the meditation chambers. I was right about my instincts back on Riflor when he asked me to accompany him on his vacation to Alderaan. The way he convinced me made my mind reverberate like it was a wailing Lothal kitten demanding for help in the distance. I was so dumb to think that Anakin and I could have been more, and as much as I tried to avoid the topic, it haunted me to the point, it felt like Nightsister Spirits devouring my soul from my body. I tried to be furious at him throughout the journey back to Coruscant, but how could I? I loved him.

"Ahsoka, are you okay?" As a husky voice crept up behind me.

"Barriss! Geez, you scared me," I exclaimed, my hand on my forehead.

"By the way you sneaked past your Master's quarters, I say you seem off. Are you okay?" Barriss repeatedly asked.

"I'm fine, Barriss. Thank you." I reassured her.

"I know when my best friend isn't feeling alright. You've been there for me when I was in need, and now, I'll be here for you with whatever you need." Barriss comforted me as I gave her a warm, welcoming hug.

"Umm... I would like it if we talked about this in your quarters. If you allow me?" I suggested, desiring for privacy rather than standing out in the expansive halls of the temple. She led me inside her quarters, and we sat down, facing each other. Barriss was my closest companion who I could be open about besides Anakin, and I was so comfortable with her that I blurted everything that occurred on Alderaan.

"It's about Anakin." I paused as tears emerged from my eyes.

"What did he do?" She concernedly asked, laying her delicate hands on top of mine while I anguished.

"I fell in love with him, Barriss, and he just told me off. Saying that, I shouldn't be focusing on my emotion, and yet, all I felt from that trip was my emotions!" I bawled, sliding my body downwards against the wall to sit and hug my knees.

"You know he's right. We're Jedi, Ahsoka. We must sacrifice a lot for the greater good." Barriss explained, reassuring me by rubbing my back.

"You're starting to talk like my Master." I fakely chuckled.

"You know what I realize, Ahsoka?" Barriss questioned.

"Yeah? What's that?" I inquired as I rub away my tears. She gazed at me directly in the eyes, like she had discovered an oddity that affected me in which she hadn't regarded before.

"You're a really emotional Padawan. You're the only person in this temple I've seen cry, and that's a good thing, Ahsoka. You have a unique power to feel what others are feeling. You have the ability to care." Barriss praised as she wiped away my tears with her sleeve.

"If you focused less on yourself, you would notice your Master having a lot in common with you." She resumed. My eyes rolled at the words that came from her mouth. Was I really like Anakin, and did she mean it as a good thing?

"Maybe, you're right," I responded.

"Sooo..." Barriss cooed. I glanced at her, knowing that she desired to hear more about what transpired on Alderaan. It was in her nature to always probe into people's private life, but I was okay with it. I trusted the information I discussed with her as she hasn't told anybody regarding my secrets.

"It was two years back. I was unconscious and wounded back on Dantooine, and in the hands of the assassin Ventress, I felt his Force Bond trying to comfort me across the galaxy." I clarified, glancing at her nod towards my comment.

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