Chapter 9 - A Diplomatic Mission (Part 1)

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Author's Notes: Anisoka development begins here!

They entered the Council Chambers, where all the Jedi Masters were impatiently waiting for them, but they weren't particularly mad at the two Jedi. The recent events that transpired the other day brought praises to the Council, so they pardoned them this time. Anakin and Ahsoka humbly bowed, as they waited for someone to initiate the briefing.

"Was everything alright, Anakin? I'm not sure if Rex delivered you my message as you were supposed to meet us yesterday." Obi-wan claimed as he concentrated his gaze towards the Jedi Knight.

"We were saving the day as usual. You should look at my reports more often, Master." Anakin bantered, attempting to suppress his grin.

"Perhaps, I should. Usually, most of the reports I read about you... are well... something." Obi-wan replied.

"Read the report, I did. Proud of both of you, I am. A sign of maturity, this is." Yoda added, with a comfortable smile across his face.

"Thank you, Master Yoda. What is our mission today?" Ahsoka questioned, meekly setting her palms together and bowing in harmony with Anakin. Obi-wan stood up to the center of the room, so he could present a holo-projector recording of Padme, who demanded a Jedi for protection.

"Senator Amidala informed us that she needed our help because Separatists have placed a bounty on her head. Bounty hunters all over the galaxy have made several attempts to eliminate her. Fortunately, no one is or will be successful." Obi-wan explained, regarding Anakin's widened perceptions after discovering news about Padme.

"We ought to go now if we want to reduce that chances of her being assassinated." Anakin proposed. Not anticipating an answer from the Council, he stormed towards the exit.

"Wait, Anakin! Fives and Echo will accompany you with your travels, and also, Padme's Nubian Starship is waiting for you at the platform!" Obi-wan yelled. Anakin acknowledged Obi-wan back with a two-fingered salute while he continued to race to the starship.

"Anakin Skywalker, a Jedi who despises politics, is eager to take this one mission." Ahsoka judged, rubbing her chin.

"You're overthinking it, Snips. Don't you want to be away from the city and relax? It's Naboo, after all." Anakin implied as both arrived at their quarters to pack. They maintained their discussion by shouting through the vents that joined their room together.

"I was poisoned the last time I visited Naboo, remember?" Ahsoka reminded him.

"I know, I know. This time, I'll be close beside you in case you require saving." Anakin mocked, snickering for a second.

"Alright. All done, I'll meet you at your door when you're ready." She said.

"I'm already here. Come on, let's go." He replied, leaning his hand against Ahsoka's doorframe.

"If you look at the bright side, we get to stay inside the Naboo palace for once. Think about the spacious rooms, views, and room services the place will provide." Anakin persuaded.

"...And no sand." Ahsoka teased as she strolled faster to get ahead of Anakin.

"Excuse me. What did you just say?" Anakin questioned as he gritted his teeth in irritation.

"You heard me," Ahsoka replied, in a tall, erect posture. They were presently greeted by a massive silver and glossy starship that towered like a dreadnought battle cruiser. Fives and Echo stood outside conversing until they noticed the pair of Jedi arriving at the platform. They gave the Generals a salute from a fair distance away before going inside the ship to prepare.

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