Chapter 18 - A Mystic's Conclusion

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Author's Notes: It's Been a while. Tell me what you think. Kinda rusty.

"Ani, guess what day it is!" Padme squealed in excitement.

"Hmm. Let me guess? Date night?" Anakin answered, smirking and snuggling her close to him.

"You know it, Ani. I've been looking forward to this for a while now. All the hard work we've been doing paid off." She acknowledged, laying her head onto his shoulder. She was thrilled that she matched her week off with Anakin's leave, and it was very much the last day of Anakin's.

"When do you recall our last date night together? Two months ago? Five months ago? A year?" Anakin questioned but was relieved they had to no longer fuss for a date. Padme snuggled in closer with her palm on his chest, still amused by his sense of humor.

"Let's not keep count of how long, but keep count on how many dates we've had so far." She giggled and proceeded to kiss Anakin on the cheek. "Get your garments, and let's go already."

They arrived at the grass-filled Garden of Equality. A popular but not congested place for people to be around in the evenings. It was a place to study, be peaceful, and reflect upon one's self. Great for those who hide their romantic relationships as it doesn't stand out as a dating location. The audio of speeders and freighters whizzing by in the distance was quiet, with a few close by booming and zooming.

"Here's a perfect spot to sit down," Anakin said.

"So. Tell me about you and Obi-wan. What adventures have you gone to in the past month?" Padme questioned, her curiosity glimmering in her eyes.

"Honestly. Not much has happened in the last month. I was in a few missions, but mostly I was in the temple conducting regular Jedi business. You know, training and such." Anakin answered somewhat truthfully. "And..." Anakin paused as he fiddled with the grass he ripped from the soil.

"And what?" Padme rejoined.

"My Padawan won't speak to me, and I think she's recently been having trouble with something..., or maybe I've upset her in some sort of way." Anakin assumed, gazing up at the skyline in front of him.

"She's a young woman, Anakin. Let her be. She can solve things on her own. Maybe Lux will help her through it. They've been really close." Padme assured him.

"I don't think..." Anakin wanted to add to Padme's statement but was interrupted by her.

"It doesn't always have to be about her." She chuckled. Anakin thought about it for a second, and she was right. He needed to stop focusing on her and put more effort towards Padme.

"But for me, it's always going to be about you." Anakin flirted, giving a small kiss on the cheek. Padme blushed a rosy red for a moment before returning the kiss secretly with her own.

An hour passed before someone interrupted their evening. A noble group came up from behind them, and the individual introduced himself.

"Why are the two of you sitting on the grass like children?" Clovis curiously asked, towering both of them with two royal guards escorting behind him.

"What's your problem? It's not like it's bothering anybody." Anakin retorted.

"Clovis? What are you doing here?" Padme quickly added.

"The Republic seems to be having issues with paying off the loans it owes towards the Banking Clan, and we are here to place a resolution with the Republic," Clovis explained, his lips pressed. He stood tall and poised like a successful person should, which made Anakin question himself. He stared at the two of them and asked, "Would you like to tag along, or am I interrupting something here? You two seem to hang out a lot."

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