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"Ophelia Orzabel, how in the world did this happen?" Ophelia's mother asked her as soon as she entered her home for her maternity leave.

"The normal way mother, and it's nice to see you too!" Ophelia sarcastically replied and dropped her suitcases on the ground.

"Darling, it's lovely to see you too, but we need to discuss this..." Mrs Cora Orzabel told her daughter, as she pointed to Ophelia's twenty one week bump.

"Yes, I figured that I would have to spill my thoughts to you; but please mother, let me unpack and rest for a bit." She declared, and started to carry her luggage up the wooden stairs to her bedroom.

"Nova, go help her unpack" Cora ordered their house elf, Nova.

A few minutes later, Ophelia and Nova came back down the stairs. "Dear, come sit down, ok?" Cora assured as Ophelia came to sit on the sofa opposite her mother, "Nova, start making us some dinner."

"Ok mother, what would you like to hear?" Ophelia added, as she drank some iced coffee, which was on the table for her.

"Where to begin... oh, firstly, did you not think to tell me? The school sent me a letter themselves, saying that you have fallen pregnant and they are sending you home for a few months." Her mother asked her, in a polite but stressed tone.

"I was preoccupied mother, I was going to eventually though, and yes, the school have sent me home until I am ready to go back." Ophelia explained.

"Great Merlin, well we can deal with it Ophelia, you are seventeen though! I am not mad but I am deeply disappointed in whatever this is. But may I ask who the father is?" Cora sighed as she read through the Hogwarts letter again.

"Um, Draco Malfoy is the father..." Ophelia murmured, looking down; as she knows her mother will not approve of him.

"Sorry, did you say Draco? I must have mis-heard you..." Cora guessed, and leant forward to hear her.

"Yes, I did. We were in love and then-" Ophelia started, but she got emotional and covered her face with her hands.

"Ophelia? It's okay dear, I mean, you could have gotten pregnant with anyone else, but what happened?" Her mother said as she took Ophelia's hands from her face and held them in her own hands.

"We were so very romantical, we were doing great. But when I went to tell him the news, I caught him with Granger in his dorm, he was cheating on me." She told Cora as tears spilled from her beautiful eyes.

"Oh dear, I am truly sorry about that, Lucius was like that as a boy too." Mrs Orzabel told her.

"Wait, you knew Draco's father?" She asked her mother.

"Well yes, he uses to date Cedric's mother as a child, he would cheat on her all the time! It was horrible, but as I remember now I'll tell you, Cedric is coming over for tea tomorrow, he wants to wish you well with your pregnancy, in fact, I don't think you two have seen eachother in years!" Cora announced.

"Cedric will be here tomorrow? Mother! This won't be awkward or anything, have fun with his mother, at least you guys are friends." Ophelia said sarcastically as she stormed off into her bedroom.

~ * ~

After staying in her vintage decorated bedroom for about an hour, Nova called that dinner was served, so she got out of her king size bed and walked into the hallway outside her bedroom.

"I will be there in a minute Nova" She yelled down the stairs.

Ophelia quickly jogged down the stairs to the dining room, which was on the other side of their large country house; it was only Ophelia and her mother living there so there was a few spare rooms.

"I have made some chicken salad for you tonight masters. It is good and healthy for your baby master Ophelia." Nova exclaimed to the ladies, as she left to go back to the kitchen.

"Oh delicious! I bet your cravings are starting so I told Nova to go bake us some pudding for after dinner." Cora told Ophelia, as they both ate all the food on their plates.

"I do miss Hogwarts mother, when should I be ready to go back?" Ophelia asked.

"Not for a while yet, maybe you can go back a few months after having the baby. But we haven't talked about if you are keeping the baby? I assume you are but at least think about your options Ophelia." Cora responded as she finished her meal.

"Actually, I have decided to keep the baby, but I should be finding out the gender soon, it will be so exciting!" Ophelia laughed and finished eating as well.

~ * ~

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