Should I forgive?

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"NOO!" I screamed slamming my hands down on the dash board of my car. "Get out of my car, delete my number and stay away from me. Got it?" I shouted in Sams face.
"your over reacting a little dont you think?" Sam said i na Duh voice. Is he serious?
" are you crazy, you locked my brother up and black mailed me into nearly killed my friend." I said pushing him out my car. "Oh and stay away from Charlie or else!" I slammed the door and begun to drive leaving him on the side of the road.
Deji, I need to find him. All I know is that the police found him. They said he had many cuts and marks all over his body. I know he's my brother but right now I need to go see charlie. I don't want her hating me again.
The tears started flowing down my face, ive never been like this before.
I pulled up to their apartment building and ran as fast as I could to there flat. It took me a good 5 minutes to get up there but this is worth it.
I start banging on the door repeatedly until it opens a small bit showing a broken Charlie. Once she sees me she slams the door in my face. 'Thats it. I've ruined everything. I've lost my friends and my to be friends. It's all gone' my head kept repeating this until I was snapped out by the door opening.

Charlie came running out and jumped into my arms. I immediately wrapped them around her so I was holding her up with her legs wrapped around me. We were both in tears crying into each others necks. I heard foot steps coming away from the door.
I look up to see the guys running towards me with knifes in their hands. "JJ LET HER GO!" Tobi screamed at my holding a knife in a way getting ready to stab me.
"No Tobi. It's fine." Charlie said in a whisper loud enough for him to hear her. She wraps her arms around me and I tilt my head down to kiss her on the cheek, "Im sorry" i say then pull away from her. "Good bye guys." I gave them a small way and start to walk down the hallway towards the life. I hear foot steps behind me that start to pick up speed.
A small figure jumps on my back and I can already tell it's Charlie. I turn around to look at her, "Please don't go jj. I want to fix things but you need to explain before!" I looked down at her and smiled. She grabbed my hand and we ran back towards her apartment. As we ran through the door Tobi gave me a look. ' I will talk to you later' i lip spoke to him, he just nodded and smiled. I hope everything will go fine.

Charlie's POV
We all agreed to go out for something to eat because we were all starving. JJ said he will talk to us when we get there but a part of me is a bit off with JJ, he wouldn't do something like that. He's changed i can see it in his eyes.
In the car we all agreed to go to Nando's so Simon called up and placed an order for a table because no restaurant has a table for 11 just sat around. The drive was a good 20 min so in one car it was Vikk, Simon, Myself and Tobi. In car #2 it was Call, Call and Sarah #3 it was Ethan, Harry, Josh and JJ. Me and Tobi were in the back taking selfies and having a laugh but Simon and Vikk had straight faces and stayed silent the whole time. Im going to have to talk to them but I looked back at Tobi to see he was already looking at me.
We sat and stared into eachothers eyes for a while until we both started leaning in. When our lips were just about to connect we heard a door open and someone grab my arm. I was dragged out of the car "Common love birds were here" I looked up to see a very annoyed Simon, what is up with him. As we were walking toward Nandos my arm started to hurt so i pulled my sleeve and where Simon had grabbed my arm his nails had dug in and my arm started to bleed, I could see a bruise starting to appear. I wanted to cry but I rolled my sleep down and entered Nando's. Let's see what happens now. (Arm like photo)

Im a suckish writer I'm sorry.
Hope you enjoyed, im not the best but Ya
Thanks for 1k reads :*
~Bekah <3

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