Chapter 78: A Moment of Peace

Start from the beginning

Sapnap looked up before turning his head to face George seeing him just staring as Halcyon still wore George's sunglasses, "Uh... Hi" Sapnap spoke up carefully not to disturb Olympus, "what do you need, George?"

"Nothing, just wondering how Olympus is doing," George said walking into the living room as Hal and Ceru stayed behind peeking over George's shoulder even though the two latchers still stood taller than George.

"Not sure anymore, do I phrase this, but I have a good feeling we have to go some place that brings up bad memories for me and A6d" Sapnap explained looking at Olympus seeing the volcanic latcher slightly move closer to him.

" can't return there, that place is literally hell, only bad things happen there Sapnap, you remember them clearly don't you?" George said as he sat down in front of Sapnap.

"I remember, it just felt like we needed to go there, like, I think it'll help Ollie." Sapnap said while looking at George as his eyes flickered with gold, "trust me with this."

"We'll go with you Gogy!" the two latchers chimed up getting the humans' attention as well as Olympus'. Whatever bad happens the two latchers would defend the two humans in the nether journey.

"Could we wait, like give it the night to see how Olympus is doing in the morning, if he's not getting better we'll head to the nether." George said and he got up before walking away "so goodnight you two." George added as Hal and Ceru waved goodbye for now as they darted after Geroge.

Sapnap huffed, he wasn't going to be moving at all, he was going to stay by Olympus' side as his eyes slowly drifted as his tiredness wrapped around him in a hug that took him into darkness, "ℸ ̣ ⍑ᒷ ⍊ᔑ╎ꖎ 𝙹⎓ ⊣𝙹ꖎ↸ ∴╎ꖎꖎ ᓭ⚍∷∷𝙹⚍リ↸ ||𝙹⚍~" something spoke in the darkness causing Sapnap to shoot awake getting a discomforted sound out of Olympus, "Sorry, sorry, didn't mean to Ollie." Sapnap said to the volcanic latcher. Sapnap huffed as he shook his head, what did he just hear, it felt like a voice calling out to him but he didn't understand this voice at all, what in the world did it say to him. Sapnap held his head, he must be imaging or hearing things, the leviathan's effects must still be resonating with him as Sapnap laid back down against Olympus to get some rest.


Fabric wavered in the wind as Mega looked out into the forest as he perched up on a roof with Aphasic, the two were left in silence as the wind brushed through the feathers and hair of the two, "Are you two just going to be up there all night?" Tapl said looking up at the roof as he stood outside crossing his arms, "it's cold out here you know"

Mega ignored Tapl as he stared out into the forest watching the tree leaves sway and rattle in the wind, he saw nothing but that didn't get him to leave the roof, paranoid had a hold of him in a tight never releasing grasp as a noise caught his attention as a ladder was propped again the home as Tapl climbed up onto the roof as Stalker appeared in the shadows.

"Why are you two even out here, you should be getting rest you know, you're gonna get sick Mega." Tapl said before turning his head to look out into the forest, he didn't understand what was so interesting out there, was there a danger lurking in the trees and Mega could see it or was Mega just out here alone with his muted latcher just to stare into trees and leaves wondering what was out there, out in this world of all things. Who knew what lurked deep within the forest or lands as there were so many things to see and meet.

Tapl had a moment to think of the past as he looked at his robotic hand watching his fingers curl up into the palm of it, Mumbo and Grian....Grian.... Tapl looked up and he remembered, Grian was still missing, still out there waiting to be saved, unless it was too late to save him from this harsh world's hold, "how could i forget so easily....we need to find him but this chaos is..." Tapl thought as he screamed in his mind, he began to feel stressed before feeling a cold hand be placed on his shoulder as Stalker walked out from the shadows.

"We'll find him, don't worry Harvey" Stalker spoke up as Tapl nodded his head to show that he agreed with the latcher but a bolt of fear and electricity shot though Tapl as something coiled around his mind consuming his inner voice for a few seconds just to say "╎ℸ ̣ 'ᓭ ᔑꖎ∷ᒷᔑ↸|| ℸ ̣ 𝙹 ꖎᔑℸ ̣ ᒷ~" Tapl didn't understand it and he became scared of what he heard in his head, he had to be hearing things, he already had someone to speak to in his head which was stalker. Tapl stared out into the forest once again before lowering his head.

"Let's just head inside, the cold is unpleasant to me~ for all of us~" Stalker said as his hand slipped away from Tapl's shoulder as the man headed off back down the ladder to head inside as Mega just jumped down from the roof as Aphasic entered his shadow.

Stalker watched the two humans leave indoors where it was warmer, but Stalker looked out into the forest again before sighing as he turned away heading inside, shutting the door behind him as it clicked to alert the fact it was locked. A sharp breath escaped the lips of something as it turned around before stopping as grey faded hands clutched the being, fearful eyes gazed up at the being as a stern tired face glared down at the being, but the eyes of this entity where hidden by a greyish purple cloth with strange symbols on it that screamed of power and an assertive mentality that terrified the person into submission as there was no getting from this entity's strong bone breaking grasp.

"||𝙹⚍ ᓵᔑリ'ℸ ̣ ᒷᓭᓵᔑ!¡ᒷ ᔑ ᓭᒷリℸ ̣ ╎リᒷꖎ~"

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