Chapter Thirty-One

Start from the beginning

He paused as he recalled the stories I was sure had been passed down to him.

"It is said that their sun also changed them into a bloody and unforgiving race of murderers. That much I have seen is true." Kade finished.

This feud went back so much farther than I originally believed. I was almost excited for school, so that I could finally learn more of their history and stop being so damn ignorant to everything around me.

Shada removed her glasses and set them on the table as she now massaged her forehead. "This is all so much worse than we thought."

"We can offer you protection. Working together is the only way that we will rid this planet of those that seek to destroy the life that lives on it." Kade's expression was full of pride and determination as he stared at the President.

"Do you think they will expose themselves as an alien race?" She all but whispered the question. That seemed to be one of her biggest fears. "That would cause worldwide panic and hysteria. One that our species has not yet experienced. Not only would they be learning that aliens exist, but that hostile aliens have taken refuge on their planet. This would disrupt beliefs that have been firmly cemented for centuries."

I watched my handsome mate closely as he thought about her statement. "The Selarians thrive by moving in the shadows. I cannot see them exposing themselves to humans when they have no real reason to. They strike when you least expect it. In fact... I hate to tell you this, but it is extremely unlikely that your people got anywhere near their hideout unless they wanted you to." Kade's face was quickly becoming stony as he became less and less comfortable with our current situation.

The President looked stricken by sudden panic at Kade's ominous words. His uneasiness was coming to though our mate bond in waves and I found myself soon swept up with it myself.

"We will meet next when we decide and on our terms. Anything in the future will be done with our explicit knowledge. There will be no more secrets between us or there will be no trust. And I don't think you want two hostile alien species on your planet."

"Kade," I hissed angrily. He may be my mate but he was definitely not going to threaten becoming another enemy to the humans.

Shade shook her head at me. "Emily, I understand what Kade is saying here. And he has every right to demand this. You are the future rulers of Nauria and need to ensure yours and your people's safety. I can only hope that you extend that courtesy to us as well. I will trust that we do not stand much of a chance on our own. However, it would be much appreciated if you were to provide us with tips on how we can stand even a small chance on our own." She addressed this at Kade and Darius, who had been silently listening to everything the entire evening. I hoped he knew his opinions were always welcome.

I would make sure to remind him later.

"Miss President, I know you don't think much of me right now. I can only imagine the things you've heard about me if any of your references are those I met in your horrid facility but... I was human before I was anything else. And I hope that you know I will defend my home with my life. I'm not much help right now, but one day soon I hope to be able to make a small difference. You can count on us." I said solemnly.

It was clear there was going to be a war no matter what. The real question plaguing me was with who it would be with. As much as I didn't fully trust the President, I had been pleasantly surprised by the things she had said tonight. I was sure that the King would be pleasantly surprised at what we had managed to accomplish in one night.

The President stood up as she gazed at me. "I will not judge a book by its cover if you will do the same for me. I trust you when you say that you care about Earth, Emily. I am glad to have you as an ally." She swept her gaze over the table.

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