" Oh, so you would rather date a guy like Liam who dressed like a super model in school?" Cassie teased as Liv's eyes widened when Cassie mentioned Liam's name.

" What? No..Liam's my... best friend." Liv said. Cassie looked at her suspiciously.

" Why are you looking at me like that?" Liv asked." You're suspicious. Do you like Liam?" Cassie asked.

" What?! No!" Liv said." Geez, no need to be defensive, I was just asking." Cassie said.

" Hey girls." Liam greeted as him, Oliver, and Max came by." Hi boys." Liv greeted.

" Are you trying out for the cheer team?" Max asked Cassie." Yes, hopefully I can get in." Cassie said.

" You'll do great. We'll watch." Oliver said. Cassie smiled slightly blushing.

" You'll make it to the yearbook." Liv said showing her camera.
" I didn't know you're part of the school committee." Cassie said.

" We have a lot of things that you don't know about us yet." Liv said.

" True." The boys agreed." We should get to class." Max said and they all agreed.

Later at lunch, Cassie went to the school field and saw Taco by the bleachers already waiting.

" Hey!" Taco greeted as Cassie stood in front of him." What do you want?" Cassie asked noticing some of his friends glancing at them a couple of times while playing pass.

" I was thinking, we've gotten really close. I say we should became official." Taco said.

" Really?" Cassie asked." Yeah." Taco answered glancing at his friends stopping from playing and stare at them.

" What do you say?" Taco asked.
" I say... No." Cassie frankly said.
" No?! Why no?" Taco asked.

" I'm not that easy to get like the other girls you've messed with. And I'm not an idiot to not know about the bet your friends gave you. So no." Cassie said crossing her arms looking at Taco's face filled with surprise.

" Bet? My friends didn't gave me any bet. I have feelings for you." Taco said then Cassie chuckled.

" How cute." Cassie said sarcastically." You think I didn't heard you and your friends talking by the lockers before you pick me up after class? I pretended I didn't heard anything. Betting on each other that YOU can get me easily. So you can get a score on your playbook. I expected better." Cassie confronted.

" I'm telling you this.... I'm not the girl to be messed with. No girl deserves you or your friends. You're bunch of users." Cassie said before walking away leaving Taco and his friends in surprise.

Later that afternoon, it was time for the cheer team audition.
Cassie changed into a t-shirt and shorts.

" Hey Cassie." Dylan greeted." Hi!" Cassie said enthusiastically.
" You're just right on time." Dylan said.

" Great." Cassie said then Liv and the boys came in." Hey Cassie! Goodluck!" Oliver cheered as they sat down.

Cassie giggled." Ok, girls, welcome to the Quinton Cheer Team audition. I'm Kalani, I am the head cheerleader." Kalani greeted.

"I'm Kendall." "Jojo" "Jordyn"
"Jayden" "Annie" "Mads" "Riley"
"Bella" "Dylan"

" We'll be doing groups then they'll teach you a few choreography that you'll have to execute perfectly in the end." Kalani said.

" Clear?" She asked. They all nodded. They went into groups as the cheerleaders taught them the choreo.

Cassie was feeling confident.
" Wow. You're amazing." A girl with short black hair and purple underneath said.

" Thanks. What's your name?" Cassie asked." Charli." Charli said." I'm Cassie." Cassie introduced.

" You don't have to introduce yourself to anyone in the school anymore. Everyone knows you." Charli said.

" Sorry, it's kinda weird." Cassie said." Aren't you used to it?" Charli asked.

" No." Cassie answered." Oh, well, ok." Charli said. After learning the choreo, they were asked to perform it by group.

Everyone did amazing." Wow, you guys are good." Cassie said to the first group.

" Thanks, I'm Nia and this are my friends Aliyah, Camryn, and Devenity." Nia introduced.

" You guys are definitely going to make it in the team." Cassie said.
" You think so?" Camryn asked.

" Yes, you executed it perfectly." Cassie reassured." I hope they like it." Devenity said nervously.

" Agree." Aliyah said." You just have to believe in yourself." Cassie said then their group called.

Cassie's friends cheered her while Liv took a picture for documentation.

The music started and started to perform. Cassie was feeling confident about herself as she saw the team smiling at her.

" Ok, everyone please line up." Kalani called then all the girls lined up.

Kalani started removing people.
" Charli, you're not gonna make it." Kalani said.

" What? I did amazing." Charli said." You did but the team strictly doesn't allow colored hair. It's in the rule book." Kalani said.

Charli looked at them in disbelief." You know what. Fine." Charli said walking out of the gym.

" Nia, Aliyah, Devenity, Camryn. You guys obviously didn't make it. You guys were horrible. And no black girls are allowed in the team." Kalani said.

Everyone was shocked, Cassie's jaw dropped. The four girls were tearing up.

" As for you Cassie, congrats, you're in the team-"

" No." Cassie said." Excuse me?!" Kalani asked." I would rather not be in a cheer team with a bunch of racist." Cassie said.

" Honestly, I think they did great. You're just afraid they'll outshine you. You don't have to say shit about them. What kind of a leader are you?! And fuck your rule book! What kind of rule says no black people allowed?! The fuck are you thinking?! And no hair color?! Is this some kind of joke?! Can't people have freedom?" Cassie asked.

" You could've told them they can't get in the team and waste their time and energy for nothing. Next time, think before say anything. What If you were in their situation? What would you feel?" Cassie asked.

Cassie grabbed her bag and stormed off." That's my girl." Liv smirked.

Hi guys..... It's about to go down...


If this book gets the same amount of Hype and support or better as my other books
I might do some sequels on maybe your favorite books I've written!

Such as

The Night We Met


Descendants: New Generation

Is that a deal????

Tag your friends who you know would love to have a sequel of this books ;)

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