Chapter 41

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Wilder POV

I can't believe I'm doing this. This, meaning spending a fortune to take a bus to a freaking town mostly consisting of countryside, 50 miles away from home.

Already not liking my plan. If I wasn't sure before that I'm nuts and having a romantic crush, I am now. Wouldn't do this for just anybody.

I'm on my way to see Rick again, giving him a little visit to tell him why I left and why I need to see him again. I'll tell him, I love him. It's a decision shared with Jared that I can't back off from.

I miss him, I'm allowed again to miss him and I have no reasons or excuses to stay this way. I'm done with these aches in my chest whenever I think about him, hate them. We can be together again, and be happy.

Happy. I'm almost excited to finally arrive to the address Jared and I got from Margery. It's just these preparations, the money spent and traveling that I dislike. My mood will pick up when I see him, I think.


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But no, this doesn't go even remotely close to how I've expected this moment to go. Because as the door opens, instead of Rick, I'm face to face with a half-dressed guy who I don't know.

"Howdy" he says cheerily with a brightening smile. "Do I know you, how may I help?"

As I'm dumbstruck for a few seconds, I glance him up and down. I know this is a different world than I'm used to, and all people should be accepted doing their own thing and everything is cool, but come on!

Who in their right mind opens a door to another person dressed like this? Hey, especially, as it's not summer anymore. This dude is wearing just a pair of denim shorts, like very short, and some odd cowboy style boots.

He's indoors, what's the point with shoes on as he's dressed like this?! And he's not exactly all smooth skinned, I'm so freaking uncomfortable right now. No less, his hair is wet.

I shake my head to clear my mind for the moment. "I'm sorry, I must be at the wrong house after all. I'm looking for Rick, um, or Cedric Carmichael."

"Oh, Mac Ricky? No, you're in the right place, this is his stead" he says, grinning. I grimace mentally, Mac Ricky? Seriously? And what's this loony doing at his place, like this? Where is my Rick? And... Oh hell, no. This guy is not who I just thought he might be... "He'll be back any minute now, he just went out grocery shopping for the week since he finished dinner first. I'm Melvin, by the way."

"Wilder" I introduce myself, reaching my arm to shake hands with him. My heart drops as his face falls. "I guess that means he's told you about me?"

"Yup, your name has come up in some conversations, I'm afraid" he says and leans his side against the door frame with crossed arms. "Look, I know you hurt my pal very badly, so I don't like you. What are you doing here?"


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💋 well, he's there...let's see next how Rick and his reunion goes :)

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