Chapter 34

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Wilder POV

I think I like you...

But I couldn't say that, now could I? First off, just the thought startled me. Secondly, I'm not sure and third, I'm not ready to say it out loud and even less to him. Need to be at least 100 percent sure before admitting.

Well, this bad boy, formerly homophobic, here is dating another male. Just the fact I'm a boyfriend seems and sounds utterly bizarre to me. I don't see myself fitting in that category, but we're not having a common relationship either.

Rick is confident I'll get used to it. I want to get used to it. My parents haven't been a good example, they've been encouraging me not to get hooked. My first relationship is with a man, that's freaking funny.


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"Followed? That's invading my privacy!" I say through gritted teeth.

He chuckles and is disgusting himself by the way he burps. "Look at me caring. I'm very disappointed in you, but you're not my problem anymore. In any case, I only did that because your mother has gone missing for almost a month now, so they've checked on you too. I miss her, and she wouldn't be very happy either about the way you live your life these days."

"Well, I don't care about your opinion, and I don't live here anymore like you too said, so we're cool" I say, unwilling to show my odd concern in front of him, so I mask it with indifference until I leave this hellhole for good. It's about time, I'm thankful I finally have a place for me to be able to do so.

"What do you think you're doing, fairy?" he growls, as I start heading to my room, and comes in front of me.

I roll my eyes. "Just about to leave your sight after grabbing the rest of my stuff, don't get your knickers in a twist."

Okay, I see that was too much for him. By the way his expression turns enraged and his hand holding his precious liquor raises, I can tell what he's about to do as he's too slow under the influence of the alcohol.

Reacting by instinct, before he gets to throw the bottle at me as he walks closer, I defend myself. I punch him in the jaw, to give myself time to stop him, but...but...with the impact, he suddenly falls limp on the floor.

He's just knocked out, so I think I should just sigh with relief and fuck off as soon as possible. But I also have this bad feeling around me, looking at my still old man.

It's too quiet suddenly, so also by instinct as I don't know why for sure, I crouch to nervously check his pulse. That he's just sleeping finally, I didn't even punch too hard!

But there is no pulse.

Oh fuck. Oh, bloody fuck! I start to panic, I didn't just kill him! Nope, so what the fuck is wrong with his pulse?! Why is he so still? His chest should be rising in the movement of his beating heart, but it isn't!

What did I just do? He was just fine, as fine as he could be in that state, and I didn't punch that hard kill him. I know I didn't, I've done this before. So, what the hell is happening?


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Wild Ride Into Light (BxB)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora