Chapter 23

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Rick POV

"No" I say gravely, looking incredulously around. I'm barely composing myself. "No. Wilder, I know you're wasted and stupid but what kind of a sick joke is this?"

"Not a joke" the boy says looking at me with wide, innocent eyes and pushes himself off my side to point around sloppily. "Look, here's my bed, bag where my clothes are, water source, even all the shit I made you buy for me. Nice place, eh?"

Oh my god.

Wilder, surprisingly enough, gave me the directions this time to his home although vaguely, and then took me to this old, abandoned shed.

And this is not a joke, I'm forced to notice. He lives here. Oh my god. Alone. Of course, there had to be a better or another reason why he couldn't tell me his address, than he wasn't ready.

This can't continue. Last night was his last night here, I swear.

"Okay, you're coming back with me, boy" I say, grabbing his arm to pull him back to me before he passes out on his mattress.

"Hey, what the fuck?" he snaps, but I don't allow him to yank himself away.

"You're not staying here. You're coming back home with me and tomorrow when you're sober, we'll come back here to pick up your things. Am I clear?"

The boy looks at me for a while stunned, then smirks. "Why do you suddenly sound so sexy?"

I roll my eyes. Drunk talk, never makes sense. "You're not changing the subject, brat."

"Believe it or not, I do like this place."

"No, I don't believe you" I say, squinting my eyes.

He snorts, then pouts and crosses his arms defiantly. "Fine. But I'm not leaving without Serah."


"Serah. She's my cat."

"Your cat?" I ask, feeling stupid myself now as that sounds so bizarre. Wilder chuckles and nods, leaning against me. He needs to rest and sleep this state away, I'm not sure if he's making this up or if he's serious. "Right, okay but would she be okay here without you for tonight? We're coming back tomorrow."

He shrugs. "Maybe one night is, is okay."

"Good. Let's go then" I say, already pulling him out of this dump.

And shortly after, we're on the road again. I can't wrap my head around the fact that he's lived there who knows how long. He's got a lot of questions to answer tomorrow. It's his own fault, for drinking alcohol and spilling his secrets.


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