Chapter 32

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Wilder POV

I grumble, my headache and swollen black eye in addition to the movement of the car driving towards the hospital aren't making typing a text easy.

"Need help?" Jared queries next to me.

"No, I'll just call him instead" I say and press the call button before I lose my temper again altogether.

I'm so pissed at Gordon for doing this to me, and at myself for letting it happen even if I didn't at all expect him to lose it with me. Well, this is what I get for defending my friend, and maybe I was even more triggered thanks to myself lately.

"Hey there, sweet darling" the creep answers cheerfully, making my friend snicker and even more so as I scowl.

I nudge Jared's side, not very hard making me feel even weaker which doesn't sit well with me. Hate it when Rick calls me sweet or darling, I mean, how the hell does he thinks they suit me? I have come to appreciate him calling me Nick, even, because there's nothing I can do for him to stop.

"Hi, um, so, if you're still about to come pick us up later, do so from the hospital" I say, rather awkwardly.

"Hospital? Why, are you alright?"

"If I was, would I go to a fucking hospital?" I snap, then take a composing, deep breath. "I'm okay, just got into a little hassle at the rink. Jared is taking me there, and we can come home with the bus or -"

"No way, I'll come pick you two up. Which hospital?" Rick queries, and I tell it's the one closest to the ice rink. "Good, I'm on my way."

"What? No, not yet..." I trail off as he hangs up, then groan. Didn't mean he needs to come right away! This is so embarrassing...


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During my check up, the pervert doctor glances at him once in a while, as if I wouldn't notice.

I'm in a room alone with two creeps! What does he even see in my creep...I mean, Rick? This is absurd. Much more so, the all too familiar feeling lately of mine, feeling jealous.


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Being watched and waited for, I force myself to keep the kiss short. I snicker at the bewildered look on Rick's face.

"Well, we have doctor's orders to take off my shirt" I say quietly, almost whisper.

Rick recovers with a chuckle, suspiciously shaking his head and then he takes off my jersey. He seems unaware of the attention on him, but I still make sure to mark him as unavailable.

"Thanks, hotshot" I say and kiss him once again supposedly discreetly, before getting up and going to lie down on the so called bed, wincing a little at the sting in my chest.


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I glare at him. "Shut up, not one word of what happened or was said in that room. Now let's get the hell out of here."

"Everything cool?" Jared asks looking between us, hearing the last shushed sentence as we reach him.

"Yup, we'll just stop by the drugstore to get more painkillers and then home for this brat to get his nap" Rick replies, as I'm too grumpy and impatient to explain but I regret it for the last part.

"I'm no brat and don't need a freaking nap, let's just go" I snap and then start walking away with slight difficulties, hearing them both chuckle and follow me.

I roll my eyes- my eye and scowl, despite feeling some warmth also in my chest for knowing they both are willing to help me. Being able to count on Rick more often, it's only fair for me to let him have his fun. I trust he won't go too far.


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