Chapter 27

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Wilder POV


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Since I don't answer and just keep looking up at the tent top, I soon hear shuffling. Rick turns from facing his wall to lay on his other side, his eyes on me.

"Can't sleep?" He asks, and I just roll my eyes. His sleepy voice is disturbingly attractive- and I just didn't think that. Nope. Rewind, reverse. "What's troubling ya?"


He chuckles. "I haven't done anything, just lying here- literally."

"And that's trouble enough" I point out, making him smirk.

"What, afraid I'm gonna jump ya? Or maybe afraid you're gonna jump on me?"


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I snort. "No, absolutely no, thanks but I don't think so, no, that's -" I get flustered in that peculiar way again under his intense, amused gaze. "So, to sum up, that would be a no."

"Huh, to me that sounded like a yes" he says and hits his head on the pillow part of his sleeping bag, smugly with his arms under his head.

I just huff and turn my back on him, irked at his attitude. Well, I haven't listened to people's 'no' before. And after all, I know Rick won't do anything I really mean 'no' to. I wouldn't throw my life into his hands, but he's gained more of my trust than anybody else.


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And so, kiss me he does. Leaning towards me, connecting our lips again, making me feel pleasure mixed with discomfort and the pleasure overrules. I can do this.

He starts it slow and tender, but I don't need that. I bite his lip, as I know he can give it to me in a way I crave it. He gets the idea, kissing me harder and deeper, turning it up to hot and fiery.


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I suddenly remember his surname from that one drunken night, as he answered by it to Tim at the party. Carmichael.

Smirking mischievously, I sit up and look for my phone. I open it, lying back down on my side of the mess of the two sleeping bags, and after finding out it's 5.38 AM, go straight to the contacts.

He calls me Nick, it's just fair I get to have my silly nickname for him. I finally got it.

I change 'old homo creep', which doesn't sound right anymore, to 'Mike'.

Now we're even. First, I thought of Mickey and to have a real good time making fun of it, but I'm not that cruel to him anymore. I'll just do it once or twice, but Mike it will be.

Well, well, Nick and Mike. Chuckling, I lock my phone and toss it on top of the other backpack. I turn my head to look at him, thinking this feels too nice to be true.


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