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Hello everyone! Thank you for all of the support this horrible book has been getting so far! I'm really sorry for all the time i have been taking between chapters as online school has been VERY hectic so far and all of my teachers are COMPLETE BITCHES. Then the matter of my Dad passing away happend and things are just now getting back on track! Updates will be every week!

Anyway please enjoy this chapter!! 

Leo's POV

      My body heats up as my eyes flicker from green to gold as I let out a deep guttural growl through my teeth,my lips pulled back in a snarl. The whole cafeteria turns to look at me as Karen looks back at me with a smirk,thinking that i'm not strong enough to hurt her just because she's a delta and i'm an omega.THIS.BITCH. My walking speeds up and as I get closer to the table I see her smirk begin to disappear and fear flash in her eyes ,though only for a moment. I grab her head by her blonde curls,pulling her from her seat. She immediately hops up and takes her heels off getting ready to fight, I crouch low flexing my hands,my blood boiling with the need to snap her neck. " You Fucking faggot! They are my mates! so why do you keep trying to take them from me! she yells as her eyes flash red. Dex and Jason scrunch their faces up In disgust behind her.

     She charges at me and slashes her nails at my face ,scratching my cheek just below my eye. A small amount of blood immediately starts spilling from the wound. I hear Jason and Dexter growl at her and stand up from the table, I give them I look and say " I want to take care of her" and the stand back once again. Me and Karen circle each other before I put a foot forward and tense " I'm definitely not afraid to hit a girl" I say through a growl before tackling her and whipping my sharpened nails across her face earning a scream from her as a crowd gathers and people start chanting "FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!" as she starts to bleed from her forehead. She flips us over and begins trying to punch me,I push her off of me and before she gets up off of her back I tackle her again,she swings her fist at my face and clocks me in the nose I glare at the boys when they begin to walk over to us to help me. They step back one more time glaring harshly at Karen. I swing my fist back at her and get her right on her eye ,knocking her out. 

    When im sure shes out cold I stand up and huff, wiping the blood running from my nose and walk to out of the cafeteria to the bathroom to tend to my wounds. Seconds after making it to the bathroom Jason and Dex rush in, Dex immediately cradling my face in his hands before kissing me, Jason doing the same after hugging me. " Damn" My eyes move to Jason as he watches me get a piece of tissue to plug my still bleeding nose "What?" I was looking at him as he stares at me fondly before hugging me tight " That was very unexpected of you, I didn't think you would attack her" I growl with my eyes flashing golden before responding "She deserved it,you guys are mine and mine alone like I belong to you.That man-stealing bitch can go fuck herself. " Dex chuckes before pushing his nose into the crook of my neck ,he seems to like it there. "I think it's time to introduce you to our pack" He says quietly looking back at Jason ,who nods "We want to Introduce you to our parents" My eyes brighten before hey glint in fear " Shit,what of they don't like me! Wh-What if they don't like that im male or i'm not tall enough or I- " I get cut off by a kiss from Jason.

"You are perfect and they are going to love you as much as we do"  "But-" "No buts we are taking you to see them this weekend-Unless you have plans?" N-no i'm free.." "Good." Dexter gives me a small smile and a kiss on the tip of my  nose. "I know something else he could kiss the tip of " *Non-existent eyebrow wiggle*  Liam says,startling me a little before I realize what he said and turn cherry red "God damn it liam! Not the time!"

Next update will be soon!

-Author out!

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