Keeping It All a Secret

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Bailey's P.O.V.

I was in the middle of an amazing dream where Siva was just about to purpose to me under the stars but before he could even get on one knee Kat woke me up.

Me:Aaaaah no no 5 more minutes!

Kat:Sorry Bailey but not now, we gotta go to the meeting and rehearsals.

Me:But Siva was just purposing!

Kat:What?Whatever come on.Did anyone wake up Sarah yet?!She has to make the breakfast today.

Sarah just then came out still exhausted, obviously

Sarah:This is one thing I hate about being famous.....waking up early

Riley:It's 10?

Sarah:And that's what I call early well best go and make us something to eat

I got up got dressed and brushed my hair then went down stairs to smell bacon, eggs, and biscuits with a freshly brewed coffee and tea.

Me:Smells amazing Sarah!


I sat down and we all dug in when Evelyn checked her phone.

Evelyn:Huh!It's Jay!Everyone shut up!

She answered her phone

Riley:We weren't even talking

Evelyn:Haha yea, yea , oh yea that would be great!

Sarah:(Mimicking Evelyn)Yea, yea, oh yea that would would be great

Evelyn shot her a look but Sarah just stuck the bacon out that was in her mouth.Evelyn finally hung up after a long annoying chat


Evelyn:So what?

Kat:What's happening between you and Jaybird?

Evelyn:Awe nothing just Jay asking me out on a date later today!

Riley:That's great but rehersals Evelyn, they're going to take all day, Megan wants us to be perfect

Evelyn:Awe boo

Me:Well maybe later tonight

Evelyn:No he has to get up early in the morning hey maybe we could go bowling you know as friends

Sarah:No way I suck

Riley:Awe come on it'd be fun

Me:Sure I'm in for beating some girls

Kat:Whatever I'll win

Sarah:Say whatever you want, I'm losing, now pass the bacon

We all laughed

Sarah:I'm serious pass the bacon or I'll stab you with this fork

Just then I quickly gave her the basket of bacon and later

Nathan's P.O.V.

We were off to rehearsals of the songs and our manager once again told us to stay away from the girls that we have already seen.We danced and singed and all that jass but when we got to one of our new songs, I Found You apparently I sounded better than usually maybe as if I had found someone which I did and that was Sarah Eylse Perrucci and I loved her already.I knew it from when I first looked at her picture and I guess the boys knew about my secret to good singing because they kept nudging me and nudging me.It was fun because they were like "Nathan's gotta a girlfriend" and I hope it was I mean I never formally asked her I mean we only met once and I didn't know if I could just ask.Well thinking about that will have to wait now we have a quick meeting.

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