Figuring It Out

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Sarah's P.O.V.

So Riley is running awat from Tom and all of the girls go running after her and while I'm running I look behind to see that the boys aren't too happy, especially Nathan and I felt terrible but hey, sisters before misters.

Riley:Guys we can't be with them we'll get in trouble and probably mrunin our whole entire career!

She looks around at us and we all have guilty faces on and she notices....

Riley:You guys knew about it......AND YOU DIDN'T TELL ME!!!

Bailey:But Riley we really like them and they are sweet and just, just...

Riley:But what?!I mean are we seriously about to give up all of our dreams for these guys we jusst met I mean they may or may not be the one!

I then step up and say something....

Me:What about you, what do you feel like with Tom?

I seem to have gotten her because it seems just at the thought of him made her blush

Evelyn:Yea Riley what about Tom, how do you feel with him?

Riley began to speak and at first her voice cracked.

Riley:Well I.....I just met him!

Kat:Well give him a chance maybe he might surprise you....

Riley:But what if we get caught?!

Me:But isn't love worth fighting for?

Bailey:No matter the cost?

She took a minute but finally came to the conclusion

Riley:We better not get in trouble....

Just then the boys come up

Jay:So are we okay guys?

Eveyln:Yea wanna go and ride something else!

Jay:You're on!

They ran off but I didn't care I just stared at Nathan he reach for my hand and we went off to another ride it was sorta a blurr beacuse all I remembered was his face and lights but that's fine...right?

Max's P.O.V.

This was great and it's funny to sa it but kinda romantic with the fact that we can't really be together, kinda like Romeo and Juliet but hopefully without the dying part I mean I'd hate it if Kat died I mean well I guess I would die.Kat rode everything fearless well beside this one where it goes around and upside down.She almost ended up barfing well at least it seemed like but we finally just went and ate and I told her a few dad jokes and she just laughed and luahged I think some slush came out her nose which I though was adourable!

Me:Haha oh my god what was that?!

Kat:I don't know my nose just couldn't handle the laughter haha!

Me:Haha that's that's just adourable

Kat:Having slush come out my nose?Well I should do that more often!

She then looked at her watched and started to panick and then her phone.

Kat:Oh crap!


Kat:We have to go our manager she is going to be checking up on us any minute um quick start calling your friends please!


I start calling Siva and Tom and she got the rest we met at the gate and everyone left but we were behind.

Kat:This was really fun.

Me:Yea maybe we should do this again?

Kat:Of course

She gave me her number and a hug and when no one was listening, a kiss!


Kat:Yea I don't really kiss on the first date but with you......

Me:Well I'm honored

Kay:Haha well you should!

So we went off and all I could think was that kiss, how I felt sparks it was just.....amazing.

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