What Just Happened?

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Bailey's P.O.V.

I don't believe it!Me and Riley had just told Evelyn to go and tell Jay about her feelings now.She agreed and then as I walk her out and we pass by Sarah.......Nathan just falls right on top of her......and now everything is a blur.Medics are trying to save Evelyn and Nathan  and I'm being pulled over to an ambulance truck to be checked out and I hear Jay screaming for Evelyn and I finally hear Sarah screaming and crying.Everything was just falling apart and then I snapped back as soon as Siva held my hand.


Siva:They say you should go inside and lay down, you aren't hurt but you experienced something pretty terrifying

Me:Are they d-dead?

Siva:I don't know yet but hey look at me don't cry, they'll be fine

Me:But what if they aren't?I mean it's all my fault about Evelyn I told her to go and tell Jay about her feelings.

Apperently Jay had overheard and came over.


Me:No Jay I shouldn't tell you

Jay:Why not!?Please just tell me Bailey!

Me:No you should hear it from her

Then he took me by the arms and started shaking me


Siva yelled at him to stop and Jay threw me down and some more medics came to me but I pushed them off and got up

Me:You wanna so bad?!She thinks you're cheating on her!She doesn't think that you love her!Are you happy now?Live with that now!

I then pushed him aside and went inside with Siva following behind me

Siva:Bailey wait up!

Me:You know Siva none of this would have happened if we had just done what we were suppose to do, just stay away from each other and play our music that we loved, I mean ever since you guys I don't remember ever singing or playing my guitar!

Siva:Bailey it's okay sometimes you gotta fight for love

Me:Well I think I've had enough fighting I mean Siva I love you and I know you're the one but, it's hurting my friends and yours, maybe it's time for quits.

Just then I kissed him one finally goodbye then turned away with tears swelling up in my eyes, but I didn't dare cry aloud, I didn't want him to know I was sad for our departure because that would just make it harder on him, and harder on me.So I went inside Evelyn's room and cried and finally fell asleep.....

Nathan's P.O.V.

I don't know what happened I was trying to get off the ledge to meet Sarah but next thing I lose my balance and I'm flying then I crash......now I'm in a white place, and I see Evelyn so I go over to her.

Evelyn:Nathan, are we dead?!

Me:I don't know

She started to cry and so I hugged her and say

Me:It'll be fine, I know they are trying everything to save us

Evelyn:You promise?

I then pulled her back and looked at her and said...


And I then kissed her cheek and continued to hug her.While I was sitting there all I could think of was what I did, to Sarah, to Rachel, and even the boys.I had been doing so many selfish acts of mine and I all I'm wondering is do I even wanna wake up?What if I'm just abanded again, I mean no one heard my story to the whole kissing Rachel thing, but I don't think anyone will listen but....

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