Everything Starts Falling

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Max's P.O.V.

Me and Kat are driving down the highway and I am freaking out because in her trunk is my best friend and band mate.I started hearing nosies and judging but the look on her face so did she so I started to worry.Just then she got a call from Siva and she said she would make it there as fast as she could and then she started speeding madly!

Me:Slow down Kat

Kat:What afraid of a little speed?

Me:No but what if we-

And just then a cop pulled up behind us and I stared at Kat.

Kat:Relax Max I got this.

Just then the cop came to the window and so Kat rolled down the window.

Kat:Is there a problem officer?

Cop:Yes mam you were going over the speed limit.

Kat:Oh I'm sorry it's just one of my friends is missing

Cop:Well mam' I'm gonna give you a ticket and I'm going to need your licences and re-

Just then there was loud thumps coming from the trunk and I started panicking but I tried to seem calm but I don't think I was doing a good job.

Cop:Mam' could you please go open up the trunk


Me:No it's fine there's nothing back there

Kat:Max come on I wanna see I've been hearing the noise the whole drive.


Kat:But nothing!

So she went around, her and the cop and I stayed in the front when she called me.I slowly got out and when I got to them I knew by her face she was mad and shocked.I looked to the ground and saw Tom gasping for air.

Kat:What the hell Max?!

Me:What this wasn't me?!

Tom:Yes.....yes it was

Cop:Sir I'm going to have to arrest you and mam' here's your ticket and I am going to assist you to a hospital for this man.

Kat:Thank you excuse me I have to call someone

Cop:Sure thing.

Me:Am I going to jail


Me:Oh good

Cop:You're going to prison for attempted murder or whatever the judge says but I guess for now jail.

Me:Well is there any way I don't have to go to court?

Cop:If this man here doesn't wanna press charges but that's the only way.

I looked at Tom awaiting for an answer

Tom:Can I have time to think about it?

Cop:Sure but for now I have to you to jail

So the cop arrested me and then he had Kat follow him to a hospital and then I went to jail.

Riley's P.O.V.

So I am sleep in a wonderful dream with just me and Tomtom and everything is going right and then Bailey and Evelyn have the nerve to wake me up!So of course I wake up cranky, it was just getting to the good part.

Me:Why the hell are you guys waking me up?!

Bailey:It's Tom

I didn't need to hear anything else I shot up changed and then got in the car with them behind me and I started driving.


Evelyn:The hospital

I wanted to cry but I wanted to make it to him more so instead of crying I just drive as fast as I could.I was in agony knowing that my Tomtom was in the hospital even if I didn't know why I just wanted to get there.

Me:Don't even tell me why, not when I'm driving

Bailey:Okay just promise you won't be mad at Max.....

I then stomped on the breaks in the middle of the road.

Me:What the hell did he do?!

Evelyn:Come on Riley people are waiting behind us.

Me:I don't really care now tell me what the hell happened?!

Bailey:Riley....Max knocked Tom out and put him in the back of Kat's car but Kat didn't know about it, until they were pulled over.......

I then just looked at the steering wheel and I just burst into tears and laid my head on the steering wheel and, apparently, honking the horn.



Me:Could you please drive?

Evelyn:Of course

Then me and her switched spots and she drove us to the hospital and we went straight to his room and he was knocked out.

Me:So what did the doctor say?

Bailey:He said that since he was knocked up the head with glass one of the pieces went in his head and when he was in the trunk not much oxygen could get to the head for the blood cells to try and help it so now.......he's in a comma, they need to do surgery to get the glass out.

I then burst into tears again and laid my head on Toms chest, I could hear his heart beat but abnormally.....could this be it for him......for us?

Jay's P.O.V.

I started hearing noises and I could have sworn it was Sarah and just then I saw her and I went to go pick her up.She was cold and her hair was wet but her clothes were dry, well she had clothes was strange since she left them off.I brought her over to the ambulance and they revived her and she looked at me and I smiled when I saw she did and she shot up and hugged me.

Sarah:Thank you I knwo what I'm going to do now!

Me:What are you talking about

Sarah:I'm not going to let this Nathan and job thing bring me down but I have question.


Sarah:Can I move in?

Me:Of course.

I hugged her again and I thought that this was a beginning to a beautiful friendship I was so happy she was cleaning up and being happy.

Sarah:I'm just so sorry for acting so selfish abotu this I just....just hated it I guess but it's over now.

Me:Well good let's get you inside.

Just then someone yelled.


Sarah:Nathan?!Cop give me that mike



Nathan:Just doing the world a favor and besides I've made you mad and I love you and I hate that you had to try and kill yourself for me to see that.

Sarah:Well you don't have to kill yourself in order for me to see that I love you, I always have and will but only can can see if you are ready for me

Nathan:Sarah I love you and I'm sorry, and Sarah


Nathan:Please do not harm yourself anymore love, you are special and you shouldn't take your own life because of all the stupid people in the world, you don' just give up, you fight for what you want no matter what.

I looked at her and she seemed shocked and she seemed to shed a tear.

Sarah:Nathan don't you dare jump of that building I'm coming up!

Just then she pushed the mike in the cops chest and I help her up and she started running towards the roof.We all thought he wouldn't do it, heck even he didn't but the roof was slippery and when he was getting up....he slipped and fell......onto her, now what do we do?

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