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The rest of the school year went by in haze as I divided my time between class, studying and spending time with Daisy and Theo. Theo was sweet to me, kind and attentive, I liked being around him. It wasn't anything intimate, although I think sometimes he wished it was, I wasn't ready for anything like that after Draco. I wasn't sure if I'd ever be ready again.
Final exam came and went and there was a celebration in the grand hall. A weight lifted off of my shoulders as I had done what I could and the results were out of my hands. I felt free. The three of us sat down to eat at the Ravenclaw table and the conversation about summer started flowing, I laughed and sighed simultaneously.. I was going to miss them, I didn't have high hopes that we would all stay in contact afterwards as Daisy was moving to the USA with her family and Theo was moving into the city to start an apprenticeship in wand making. I appreciated the time I'd spent with them over the last few months. It had taken my mind off Draco and how much he hurt me.
Draco had found a new play toy for the last few weeks, he never seemed happy though and I still caught him looking in my direction occasionally I acted like didn't care but I desperately did.
I left the celebration early and instead of heading to the dorm I took a detour back to the bell tower to soak Hogwarts in for one last time as a student. The moon was high and bright in the sky, lighting the grounds in a magnificent glow. I breathed in the warm summer air.
"Alexandra." A voice said from behind, startling me.
"Draco." I turned in his direction.
He started walking towards me with a familiar look in his eye, I moved backwards and he stopped. He seemed shocked. "You don't get to do that to me anymore. It's not fair. I've just started to get over you." I said quickly. I was lying, I wasn't over him at all.
"You're over me?" He repeated. I nodded, I wasn't sure if he was convinced, I hadn't even managed to convince myself of this. He walked closer and was in touching distance now.
"I'm sorry." He whispered, lifting his hand to my face. I blocked his hand quickly, knowing that his touch would be my undoing.
"Stop.." I said, not meaning it at all. He kissed my head and started walking away. I let him this time.
My heart shattered into tiny pieces as tears streamed my cheeks.
That was the final time I saw Draco Malfoy.

Until today.

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