What do you want from me?

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I sat besides Daisy at the Welcome back feast, she was half way through telling me how her and Dean had spent the holidays together when she stopped.
"He hasn't taken his eyes off, you know." She said.
"Who?" I asked knowing exactly who she meant.
"Malfoy!" She replied in a low voice, I looked up and she was right, he was looking straight at me. My heart started racing. My view was obstructed by someone, Theo Walter from my own house.
Theo was a tall muscular boy, dark hair that was immaculately slicked back, emerald eyes. I'd be lying if I said he wasn't incredibly attractive. He sat down on the free bit of bench in front of me and smiled. I returned the smile and felt Draco's eyes piercing at me.
"Hey." He said calmly but before I could open my mouth Daisy responded first.
"Hey!" She said excited. Daisy had always fancied him and she couldn't make more obvious in that moment. He didn't look at her though, he kept his eyes on me.
"Hi." I replied smiling. I saw Draco get out of his seat and leave the great hall. Was he jealous? I thought to myself.
"Do you want to go into the village tomorrow, after class?" Theo asked.
"She'd love to!" Daisy replied instantly, I kicked her under the table and shot her a disapproving look. "Yeah remember? You said you needed to get that thing from Matcher and Greens?" She said shooting an amused look back at me.
"Yeah uh- I guess so." I said shyly.
"Great! I'll meet you in the common room after class?" Theo said smiling and mouthing thank you to Daisy.
She watched him walk away before squealing in excitement. "I CANNOT BELIEVE HE JUST ASKED YOU OUT!" She shouted.
"He didn't ask me out, he asked me to run an errand with him." I shot back and she laughed!
She talked about Theo the entire way back to the dormitory, i drowned her out and told her I was going to get ready for bed.

I was up early for classes today and I was disappointed that I didn't have any with Draco when I checked my timetable.
I carried on about my day as normal, looking around for him but not catching a glimpse.
The bell sounded the end of the day and made my way to the dormitory to get ready. It was cold out so I wrapped up warm, not really worrying about how I looked as I had no intention of trying to impress him. I knew who I wanted. I headed back downstairs to the common room to meet Theo. He was already there waiting, he was nothing compared to Draco but he was still very handsome.
"Shall we?" He smiled.
"We shall." I said smiling back.
The walk to the village wasn't that long but we spoke about a lot of things along the way. We spoke about how we both came from muggle families and laughed at recalling their faces when we first received our invitations to Hogwarts. First we headed into Matcher and Greens where I had to pretend to be looking for something specific, I settled on pumpkin shampoo. We then walked across to the Hogs Head Inn to get warmed up. He joined me at the table with two butter beers in hand.
"Thank you." I said taking one from him.
"You're very welcome. So, you and Potter are no longer a thing?" He questioned. It was far too complicated to explain so just shook my head. He got the hint and started talking about his plans for after the year finished.
I grinned as I talked about mine in return, i had saved money ever since I was little to travel the world and that what I planned to do as soon as school finished and before I had to think about Witchcraft & Wizardry University where I planned to study teaching.. Muggle studies precisely as I had first hand knowledge. I wanted to be a teacher so that I could spend as much time in my beloved Hogwarts as possible. He smiled back at me as he read the excitement on my face.
Crab and Goyle walked into the pub followed by Draco. The smile quickly dropped from his face as he spotted me and Theo together but he carried on. They picked a table on the opposite side to us but still in view, he said something that I couldn't make out to the other boys with a look of disgust on his face. I wondered if he had told them about us.
Theo and I left shortly afterwards and I avoided making eye contact with him as we did. They followed.
Crab and Goyle yelled after Theo and he turned to them as Draco paced towards me.
"What are you doing?" He snarled at me as we were out of ear shot.
I was so confused, this is the first time he'd spoken to me since the train.
"I-" I started.
"Do you know what? Don't." He turned away.
"What do you want from me Draco? You ignore me 90% of the time until you want fuck then come looking for me." I hissed.
He laughed wickedly, I had pissed him off.
"I don't want anything from you Alexandra." He growled. Sorrow flashed across his face as soon as he finished talking but it was too late for regrets, he had said he felt and now it was my turn.
"You're playing with me when all I want to do is love you." I said quietly trying to hold back the tears that had started to fill my eyes.
"Love?! How could you think what we had was love. You're a little mudblood that I used to pass the time." He replied. I knew that's not how he really felt but that didn't help the tears to stop flowing.
I wiped them from my face and started to walk away.
Theo caught up with me, noticing the tears streaming down my face but didn't ask. Instead he put a comforting arm around my shoulder and just walked in silence with me back to the school.
I wanted to forget about Draco Malfoy.

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