The Bell tower

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Today was the day of the Christmas Party but I  wanted to get in some more work before hand, seeing as it got interrupted yesterday. I decided to study in the dormitory so I was free from distraction. Hours passed and I started to get ready. My dress was a figure hugging black satin knee length dress with a low back, I paired it with lace up black heels that I borrowed from Daisy. My hair was waved and pinned on the left side from my face, displaying eye makeup that was dark and Smokey with a nude lip, much heavier than anything I was used to, also courtesy of Daisy. I was so thankful that she helped me get ready, there is no way I could have looked half this good without her.

I smoothed my dress down and headed through the portrait.
Harry spotted me straight away.
"Wow.. Lex.. you look incredible." He said kissing my hand and then stopping to look over every inch me, I knew what that look meant.
"So do you." I grinned. He held his hand out for me to hold, I did. We made our way through the quiet school, I guessed that most people had headed back to the common rooms already.
The room where the party was being held was just as magical as I pictured it to be. The whole space was decorated and filled with festive foods and champagne that topped itself back up, although I knew it wouldn't be real champagne as we were forbidden to drink alcohol on the school grounds. We danced and laughed all night, I could feel Ginny watching as he pulled me close and put his hand on the small of my back. I felt bad as I now knew how she felt.
Hours had passed and the party was pretty much over, Harry had told me that he needed to speak to slughorn about something important so I left by myself.
The castle seemed too quiet as I made my way through the dark corridors. I froze as I heard footsteps approaching me, their pace quickening. I waited until a figure appeared from the shadows. Draco. He stopped suddenly as I had. I took that moment to soak him in. He was dressed in all black, as usual, a shirt that fit him sinfully with only one button undone at the top, tucked in neatly to black jeans. He looked as handsome as ever.
"Alexandra." He said. He looked me up and down and bit his lip slightly. "Fuck.." he exhaled.
"Draco." I replied. I waited for a response but there wasn't one, he turned away and started walking. "Why do you hate me?" I said to him, louder than I intended.
He stopped and turned to face me again.
"Hate you? I don't hate you." His face screwed up. "I hate you being with Potter.. I hate the way he touches you." He continued, pacing towards me. He stopped right in front of me, I closed my eyes briefly to soak in his scent. When I opened my eyes he was staring right in to them.
"Come with me." He held out his hand. I complied and put my hand in his. He started walking and I followed as well as I could in heels.
"Where are we going?" I asked as we entered a hall way I didn't recognise. I groaned as I saw the amount of stairs.
"It's not as bad as it looks, I promise." He smirked. I braved the stairs with no complaint after that.
"It was definitely as bad as it look." I hissed as we got to the top and then gasped. We were in the bell tower and straight ahead was a view of the grounds that I'd never seen. The moon lit up the lake to where it looked like it was glowing. "It's beautiful.." I sighed.
"Yes, it is." Draco said as I turned around to face him, he was already looking at me.
"Why did you bring me here?"
"Because I wanted you to see the view." He replied smoothly. "Why do you think I hate you?"
"You barely say a word to me.. barely even look at me since.." I trailed off remembering when he watched me and Harry in the woods.
"Since I saw you that day with Potter." He finished my sentence, I nodded.
"You watched us...Why?" I asked. He tilted his head and gave me an intense look.
"I watched you." He corrected. "I watched because I wanted it to be me that made you feel like that. You didn't look away either." I shrugged and leaned against the brick wall trying to bend down to take these frigging heels off. He walked towards me and kneeled at my feet.
"Let me help." He said, slowly taking them off but I didn't move once they were. Instead he traced his fingers along the back of my calve. He noticed my breath catching under his touch. "Do you want me to stop?" He asked but I couldn't answer. "Answer me." He demanded as he pressed his mouth to my bare leg.
"No." I exhaled.
"Good." He hitched my dress up slightly to kiss my thigh and then stood up facing me. "You want me and I want you, Alexandra." He whispered in my ear. My body felt like it was burning, aching desperately for his kiss again. He placed his hands either side of my face and studied me. "Look at me.." he said in barely more than a whisper, I did as he asked. My eyes catching his. He lowered his eyes to watch my mouth and ran his thumb across my lower lip, I opened my mouth slightly but still watching his eyes.
"Fuck." He breathed in and placed his hand around my neck. His lips met mine and I moaned into his mouth as his kiss hardened. He tightened his grip on my neck gently and I felt that familiar burning through the entirety of my body.
It was crying out for more of him. All of him.
Draco must've felt it too because pulled me into him even more. The heat of his body, the smell of his cologne, the taste of his lips was all a recipe for longing and heartbreak.
He moved his hands quickly down to find the hem of my dress and pulled it up to my waist. I felt him smile against my lips.
"No underwear Alexandra?" He muttered pulling away from the kiss, still smiling. The lack of underwear was simply because I didn't own anything discreet enough to not show an outline, I hadn't intended anything like this to happen but I was glad that I hadn't now.
He looked me over, desire flooding his eyes. Before I could respond he spun me around so that I had my back towards him, he collected my hair from down my back to hold in one hand whilst the other hand traced my spine in the exposed back of the dress. He leaned in and kissed the top of the shoulder, I could feel how hard he was as he grabbed my hip and pulled me into him.
My breathing stopped as I waited for his next move. He reached around with one hand whilst the other was still tangled in my hair, he used a finger to caress the spot I'd been dying for him to touch. I moaned and felt the waves of electricity take over me. He pulled my hair downwards making my head lift and exposing my neck, he kissed it whilst he picked up the pace with his fingers. My moaning quickened as the pleasure built in my body. The release came suddenly and hard, my legs shook and buckled but Draco had grabbed me, with the hand that was in my hair, before I completely embarrassed myself by falling to the floor.
"Turn around." He said quietly. I did as he told me and faced him. He raised his hand to my face and l opened my mouth to suck the remains of my pleasure off. He watched me as I did so and smiled.. it wasn't a sweet loving smile, it was a devilish one that told me he wasn't finished with me yet.
He pressed his lips to mine and rushed to undo his jeans. Once he got himself free, he lifted me up and I instinctively wrapped my legs around his waist, he held on to me tightly as he positioned himself at my entrance. My bare back was pressed against the wall but I couldn't even think about how cold it was before he thrusted himself inside me. We both let out a moan in unison, he felt better than I could have ever imagined. He continued to thrust in and out, slowly but hard. I bit down on his lip harder than I intended and I felt a smile spread across his face. He started to go faster and I couldn't hold on any longer, I tightened around him. He stopped suddenly and pulled from our kiss.
"Tell me that you're mine." He whispered, I couldn't muster a sentence but I was so close that I wanted to beg him to carry on. "Say it Alexandra." He demanded louder.
"I'm yours." I breathed, looking at him seeing that familiar devilish smile.
He pounded into me hard again and just like that I came undone around him, I screamed out but he didn't stop. He went harder and my hands tightened in his platinum hair, I felt him throbbing inside me, he was as close as I was again. He tightened his hold on me and slammed into me a final time, we both cried out as he flooded me and I melted into him. He kissed me again breathing heavy and continued to hold me in place between him and the wall. I tried to catch my breath as I released my legs from around him and he gently lowered me to the ground.
I looked up at him but he was already looking down at me, I couldn't make out what he was thinking.
"What are you thinking?" I asked still a bit breathless.
"You wouldn't like to know." He said softly, smiling a sweet smile. I frowned and he laughed before kissing my brow gently. I pulled my dress down as he buttoned his jeans and tucked his shirt back in.
I looked down at myself to assess my appearance before we walked back through the school, Draco noticed and pushed my hair back in place behind my ear.
"Perfect." He whispered as he planted another soft kiss on me. I felt my cheeks blazing red and gave him a shy smile. "A bit too late for shyness Alexandra." He laughed and I tried to hide my face behind my hands. "Come. I'll walk you back." He reached for my hand, our hands felt so perfect entwined together, I didn't want this night to end.
We walked through the castle as quietly as we could as to not draw attention to ourselves, I could feel his face turning to watch me every now and again. Was he wondering what I was thinking also?
We arrived at the Ravenclaw portrait way too quickly. He handed me the heels he had been carrying for me.
"Thank you.." I said but there was an awkward silence between us, I took that as my que to leave and turned around. He instantly grabbed my hand to spin me back to him and kissed me, caught off guard but my mouth opened to welcome him. Time froze and went flying all at the same time as we stood locked together.
He let me go and said "Goodnight Alexandra."
"Goodnight Draco." I replied. He waited in place until he saw me reach the other side of the portrait and then turned away. I slipped my dress off, put on a pair of pyjamas and climbed into bed. I wasn't ready to wash him off of me just yet.

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