First day

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After we arrived at hogwarts and the sorting ceremony had finished for the new arrivals, everyone started to tuck in to the magical feast that never ran out of food. More people wanted to talk to me than I was used to, I felt like I was a first year myself. I found a way to excuse myself and slip off to my dorm.

The Ravenclaw tower felt like home, the cosy fire cracked in the background, the smell of the wood burning was my favourite. I unpacked my things before anyone was back from the feast, lay on my bed and decided to get an early night. I was going to need all of energy for the first day of classes, this was my final year and I was going to take it as serious as I did every other one.
The sun had risen and was shining through the glass pane windows, it was a beautiful sight to see the different colours dancing in the sunlight. After I showered and changed into my  robes, I pulled my hair back into a high pony tail and put on a bit of mascara and lipgloss. I usually wasn't one for makeup but I figured it wouldn't do any harm.
I made my way to my first class, 'History of Magic' and I could feel the glances as I walked through the corridors. The boys were smiling at me but I pretended not to notice and carried on.
As I sat down ready to start, Harry Potter sat next to me.
"Hi Alexandra." He smiled.
"Hi Harry." I managed to say back without going completely red.
"There's something so different about you this year.. I mean it's great.. I mean you look great.." he stuttered and looked down at the table.
"Thank you." I laughed, appreciating the fact that I wasn't the only sociable awkward one.
He grinned. We carried on talking about our summers until class started. He made me feel comfortable and at ease, as if we've been close friends forever. Just as we were told which page to turn to, Draco glided in to the room.
"You're late Mr Malfoy" the professor muttered with annoyance. Draco didn't respond and sat down in the only chair left which was opposite Harry and I. I pretended not to notice and not to be affected by his presence.
"I wonder if Dumbledore enjoyed his 200th Birthday this summer" Harry whispered to me. I filled the quiet classroom with laughter at his exaggeration. Everyone's head flew up to look in our direction. My hand covered my mouth to hide it.
"Is there something you'd like to share Miss Nouvo?" The professor demanded.
"No, Sir." My cheeks flamed.
"Good. Back to work everyone." He said. Harry grinned at me and squeezed my arm, I grinned back trying to hold my laughter again.
Everyone immediately looked back down to their work, everyone apart from Draco. I looked up and caught his eye, he was watching us intently but with no expression on his face. Was he annoyed that we disrupted the class? I hadn't taken him as a hardcore studier but maybe he was taking this year a bit more serious. I wish I could know what he was thinking. I looked back to my work and carried on.

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