Battle of the Authors

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SCP-5500-Ω-41204 looked in utter disbelief at what the entity before him said. The entity looked nothing like him. He even spoke out.

" aren't me!! You're never me!! I would never go as far as to destroy worlds of other people!!"

The entity than chuckled, as he spoke out.

"Well...not the literal sense. But more like as a part of my own being. You see, I am the embodiment of every negative trait that an author has. So a part of your negative trait as an author is present inside of me also."

SCP-5500-Ω-41204 than sneered, as he spoke out.

"So what does that make you, my brother, and more importantly, who are you even?"

The entity than smirked, as he spoke out.

"Who am I? Hehehehe...I am what you can call, the Death of the Authors. But if you all can call me by what I really am: The Anti-Author."

I continue to look at the so-called Anti-Author that is in front of me. I have no idea what he is planning...but there is one thing that I do know. Whatever it is that he is planning inside of his head, it is definitely not a good sign.

I than stepped forward, as I spoke out.

"Why are you doing this?! Why are you killing the Authors?! They've got nothing to do with this!!"

The Anti-Author than cackled like a madman!! This is seriously creeping me out.

"Ohhhhhh...why should I tell you? You have no control over me."

I continued to look at him, and I snarled a bit at that punk's face, until I pointed my eyes downward...and I saw a book.

I have no idea what this book is...but all I know is that it must be important. I than lunged at the book, and the Anti-Author must have noticed it, because he than launches some tendrils that are made of shadow at it. But in the nick of time, I grabbed onto the book, and got it away from the Anti-Author's reach, preventing him from having...whatever this is.

"That book..."

I looked up...and he seems to know what the book itself is. It than spoke out.

"The Book of the Authors."

The Anti-Author than snarled, as it spoke out.

"With it...I can erase all the authors from existence. It is time that I have it!!"

It than charged at SCP-5500-Ω-41204, and attempted to kill him in order to have it. seem to have forgotten that Alex, James, and Halo are present, because they swooped in at the nick of time, and attacked the Anti-Author, preventing the entity from killing SCP-5500-Ω-41204.

"What ever you're planning, Anti-Author, we aren't letting you do what you're going to plan for us all!!"

Alex spoke out, irritated. Halo nodded, as she spoke out as well.

"We'll protect our friends that you are about to hurt."

James than spoke out one last thing.

"And most importantly off all...we're gonna kick your ass to hell!!"

He than punched the entity, sending it flying back. Better get to a safe distance, or I'm gonna be killed on the battle that's happening.

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