A mysterious portal

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Alex and Rex are now walking across an abandoned city of some sort. They decided to take a day off, due to what has happened with the Escapee. Because of the visions it has shown to them both, they need to do to take w walk, before they can do anything. But they did visit their siblings, and are relieved that they are alright, and are just glad that nothing bad happened to them, although they do need to recover from the traumatic experience that they had to endure from back with 3125. It was a very terrifying experience to even bare here.

"Well...at least we can get a little break from what had just occurred from before."

Alex spoke out to Rex. The First E.V.O than nodded and spoke out loud.

"Yeah, it was totally insane! I really wish I never had to do that again!"

Rex was really very haunted by what had just happened. Alex than looked down exhausted, if he really is exhausted.

"Really wish that I had a song that can make me forget all about that, and No Rex, it is not a type of superhero-"

But before he could speak, Rex already began to sing it, and Alex wasn't happy.

"It started when the nanites went Ka-Pow! upon the scene transforming all the life on earth like nothing that you've seen but there's one lucky hombre who can make them build machines. He's Gen Rex.."

Alex, however, was not amused, and spoke out to him, while facepalming.

"Are you serious? I said no Superhero songs!'

He has a frustrated expression present on his face, obviosuly, Alex could not believe he wold do something like that to him already. Rex than shrugged his shoulders.

"What? It's catchy."

Alex than shook his head irritated, and spoke out to himself.

"Catchy my-"

Before he could speak, the ground started to rumble. Alex and Rex began to feel it.

"What was that?!"

Alex spoke out. Rex does not know as well, but than spoke out.

"I don't know. Stay down. I'm going to check it out."

Rex than activated his Boogie Packs, and flied up into the air. He than looked around and proceeds to find out what is causing the really strange rumble.

Than, what happens next surprised him. The clouds than began to circling around in one place, as though a tornado was about to appear. Rex than landed on one of the buildings and looked at what is about to happen.

Before he knew it, sparks than began to fly out, as Rex barely got hit by one of them. Something is obviously about to happen, and it was not good.

After about a minute, a blinding flash of light appeared, and Rex closed his eyes. He than looked and was shocked at what he is seeing before his eyes now.

 He than looked and was shocked at what he is seeing before his eyes now

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