The hospital .... again ....

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They immediately put me on air so I could breath because I had a few stabs wounds from the man when I was resisting. I tell pippa " if...I    D-ont ma.. ke it.... te—ll fl...oof I ...lo-ve hi.m" I didn't know if I would make it because I was loosing alot of blood... I don't remember what pippa said all I remember was flashing lights ... when we get to the hospital they do a rape kit and I need to go under surgery to get a couple things fixed...
A few days later after surgery.
I finally woke up and nobody was in my room which was werid because at least Anthony should be here.... I press the call button for the nurse and she come in immediately and tells me what's going on .. " hi Y/N you are in the recovery ward and you gonna be where for a while ..... We need your mental health to get better... we have gave you the anti-depression medication and your gonna go to therapy everyday, no visited and limited time on your phone because we don't want any negative stuff getting in your way of recovery!" My mouth just drops ... " no visitors???" " I mean if you get better maybe but at this moment no .... anyways here is your medication" I grab the medication and mumble to my self " why did they make me  stay here ..." the nurse heard and said " it wasn't our idea it was somebody name daveed diggs and Anthony ramous I think ...." the raged filled in me but I had to keep calm if I wanted to get out of this place ....
A few days pass
Some days pass and they said " your already getting better ..." pfft they think nope I'm just lying to them to get out of this place... they treat us the babies and wake up every hour ! We never get any privacy !! The food here is disgusting !! And they haven't even let me have my phone or talk to someone .... I swear this will be the death of me ....
More weeks pass and they say Y/N is fine to go ...
Today the day I will be leaving .... do I feel any better? Nope! And I'm going to tell them that? Nope! I hear a knock on my door and they tell me someone is here to pick me up .... I walk out and see it's daveed ..... you don't know how bad I wanted to punch him.... he took me to his car and tried to start a conversation " so do you feel any better Y/N?" No response " we all really missed you and we wanted to see you but they wouldn't let us, we tried to call you but you never answered..." silence ... " are you okay Y/N?" He sounded kinda concerned and that broke me a little bit I'm not gonna forgive him that easily he put through hell being there! "Y/N why aren't you speaking ?" .... he continued to drive but this hospital they switched me to was an hour away so we would be in the car for a long time ... he try's to grab my hand but I pull away " Don't touch me!" The look in his eyes I would never forget... he was shocked... " did I do something Y/N?" " ya think? You sent me to that hospital where I couldn't even sleep without being interrupted! I had no privacy someone had to be with me while I was in the bathroom ! They shoved pills down my throat and the therapy didn't even help ! They barely gave out food and the nurses were rude ! I have the right to be upset daveed! The nurse told me that you wanted me there! REALLY! For once in my life I thought I loved someone truly and that is was getting better ! But I guess not ! All they want to do is send me to a mental hospital!" I say while in tears ... he stops the car and parks in a parking lot ... " you said you loved me?" He ask.. " well not anymore! Did you understand what you put me through!" That hurt to say because I still loved him ... " I'm sorry Y/N but-" I cut him off " Drive" I say "Y/-"  " I said drive !" He did as he was told and dropped me off at pippa s I told him if Anthony ask tell him " you know what you did" when he dropped me off we didn't say goodbye or hug or anything I just opened my door and walked away... I do still love him ... I knock on pippa door and she opens it and I immediately fall into her arms and start crying ... she confused but doesn't say anything she just sits me on the couch and grab some wine and crackers ... " what happened? My dear" she says " I just went off on daveed and told him I didn't love him but I do and now he probably thinks I'm a jerk ... he didn't even say goodbye when I left ..." I continue to cry and she just hugs me ... " oh sweet the does love you ! He couldn't live a day with our you! He was crying on my arms just like you when you where gone !" I look up at her and sniffle " really" " yes sweetheart! But let's not dwell on him ! I'm going to call the girls and we are going to go out okay?" " okay...." she calls jazzy and Renee and some other girls from the Hamilton cast and while their doing my makeup I tell them what happen at the hospital and how I barley improved by I just lied so I could leave .... they don't judge they just listened and validated my feelings ... " okay your all done!" Jazzy says while turning me around to look into the mirror

" omg I can't even recognize myself !" I say  I turn back around and see Renee holding an outfit for em to wear !

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" omg I can't even recognize myself !" I say I turn back around and see Renee holding an outfit for em to wear !

" omg I can't even recognize myself !" I say  I turn back around and see Renee holding an outfit for em to wear !

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"That is beautiful!" I say and put in on ... I feel good ! Me and all the girls get into their car and drive off to Olive Garden near the board walk ! It was like a 30 minute drive and a 20 minute wait but it was worth it !

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