I think they have lost it, but whatever, I eat McDonalds

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(A/N: Guys, isn't the picture above adorable?❤️.PS: A vote for the adorable couple. Ignore for the sake of Octavian)

Falling. I opened my eyes and all I was doing was falling- deeper and deeper in something. It looked like nothing but a dark tunnel and I coundn't see the ground below. All I could see around me was darkness.  Then, I woke up, like in reality and saw the poseidon cabin around me.

'Just a dream' I thought as I checked the watch which read 2:30. I tried to sleep again but just couldn't. Either I didn't need more sleep or I was afraid of the nightmares. Whatever the reason,I wipe the drool off my face and change into a CHB t-shirt along with blue shorts. I looked at my poseido-bro who was sleeping peacefully muttering things like "Love you wise girl" and "I finnally have a sis, Annabeth". and stuff like that. He was drooling in his sleep just like me. 

I didn't want to wake him up so I go out of the cabin and decide to talk a walk. The cold wind hit my face as I walked towards the beach, the only place that can make me calm.  I first take a round around the cabins, the Zeus cabin, in which I could hear someone-maybe Jason snoring. Then the Hera cabin, ugh, I hate that goddess. I cross the Hecate cabin, which reminds me of something, something special indeed. 

"That magic school" I mumble to myself "Which we were going on 1st september".

But then how will I tell dad that I belong here not there. Somebody's mistaken I guess.

"Hey dad. I just found out that my real dad is the water dude and grandfather is dead- I mean death. See you later.

- Your step daughter Astrid."

I guess this message won't do, cause I myself am confused, then what the fuck will I tell dad. I guess I will ask water dad (don't question it) or grandpa about it, or even Chiron will help. But not now. I was deep in my thoughts when a voice behind me said "DIE".

I quickly turn back and kick the person on a place where the sun does not shine.

"Ouch" he falls on the ground.

"Percy" I offer my hand. He takes it and gets up "D-Don't do t-that a-again" he winces  and shows me his middle finger, as he stumbles to balance.

"You deserve it" I say with a smile "What are you doing here?"

He scowls "That is what I was going to ask in the first place. What are you doing here?".

"I couldn't sleep, so I decide to freshen up" I say shivering in the cold.

"Oh" he says "Even I had nightmares, so I just came by to meet Max"

"Who's Max?" I ask, the doubt that he's gay spreading over me.

He smiles "Oh, don't think of that. He is just a friend from the Hermes cabin. Unclaimed".

"And how's Sky?" I ask quickly. Heck, I completly forgot about our little amigo.

"You can look up and tell yourself" he points to the sky.

I shoot him a look of disgust "Bad pun. I meant Skylar".

"Oh, he is claimed. And happy"

"Who claimed him?" I ask.

He chuckles "Apollo".

I frown "Isn't he the doctor sun archery guy?"

He smiles "Yea, Apollo the god of Sun, music archery and medicine"

I smile "Nerd" and quickly add "af".

"Hey, I am a son of Athena. Can't blame me for being nerdy".

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