Take me Erebos

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Percies tell me everything about CHB, and what was happening there. It has turned out be that the Athena campers or the children of Athena have gone missing for weeks which includes Percy's girlfriend, a girl called Annabeth. And my Percy, he was a son of Athena, he had been claimed by the goddess when I was unconscious. Chiron even thinks that it might have been a strategy of the enemy, and that's why the Hydra focused on killing Percy and not me. 

"But how did you guys come in camp?" Percy(poseido-bro) asked. I opened my mouth to answer but then I remembered why. We had been teleported by that weird thing and then seen Jack dead.

I got up, determined to at least give my friend a good burial.

"Jack" I look at Percy Anderson "did you look at him when I was unconscious?"

He looked away and said "When I went there, a few days ago- there was nothing but a flower" he went towards a vase and took the only red rose. 

"Where did they take him?" I ask enraged.

My brother says "He was a satyr... He was your satyr"

I start protesting but then remember that Satyrs turn into flowers after they die. Again, it hit me like the brick hit Jason- he was alive when we were there.

"He was alive when we were there. We could have saved him but..." I look eyes with my Percy. "We let him die".

"No Astrid, what happened had to happen" Percy(bro) looked at me "I understand your feelings, Astrid. The first time I came to camp, they had almost killed my mother" and then he gets sadder. 
"oh" I say as my brother wraps me in a hug. "What happened has happened. Even I have lost many precious friends during my journey. Demigods have to deal with this stuff you know".

"I understand" I say softly and we get out of the hug.

I looked at Anderson who made a face like 'Even I want a hug'

I glare at him 'shut up' and he glares like 'You know you want to'.

'Later' I smile.

I look at my desolated brother and say "We will get her back. I think I have a plan"

He looked at me and smiles "thanks, I needed that. But it wouldn't be easy"

I smirk "I really do have a plan" and I look at Anderson "that involves a bait, and-" I was cut off by a boy who just appeared from the shadows "I guess I have a niece and a sister" he looks at me. He was wearing black jeans and a black skull t-shirt with an aviator jacket.

"You are the boy from McDonald's," I notice.  

He smirks "Yes" he puts his hand forward "Nico Di Angelo". I shake it "Astrid Ace".

Percy Anderson, who looked stunned mumbled "What about her being your niece?"

"He's the son of Hades" Percy explains.

"Yes, I am the son of Hades. And as Hades is her grandfather, she's my niece" he smiles, which I think he rarely does, and adds "And my sister. Because she is the daughter of Poseidon".

"Weird relation. But sure, uncle Di Angelo" I tease and we laugh. Even Nico laughed, which stunned Percy.

Nico shoots me a warm death glare "Do not call me that"

"Oh, I won't, uncle Di Angelo". We all laugh again. Nico tries to look scary but smiles.

I remember the blonde boy with him and say "Do I have an aunt or another uncle?"

Nico blushes "You have another uncle, I guess".

Ohhhh, he's gay. That's not bad or anything just cooler. Nico, who was blushing like a red tomato now, tried to change the topic "Whatever, tell me about your plan"

I tell them what I had on my mind. (A/N: You will get to know the plan later)

Percy Jackson nods "I guess it is okay, but there are many else. We have to confirm with Chiron, too".

Percy Anderson looked nervous, and why shouldn't he? Nico just nodded and agreed.

I try changing the topic "So, I guess I have a family now" I say and I meant it. These people made me feel happy even after this whole mess of Greek stuff. Also, the others were happy about me changing the topic. Percy smiled "I have always wanted a sister. I have one amazing sister now"/.

Nico looked at me wondering what to say "I am happy for having a sister, but a niece. I guess that's too early" he chuckles.

And don't even ask about Anderson who stood there as astonished as ever. 

"Earth to BAE" I wave my hand in front of him.

"Woah" my brother and my uncle looked like bricky had smashed them too. "You dating!" Jackson exclaimed. Nico shot Anderson a look of hatred and said "Yesh, answer us"

"People, people, people. BAE stands for Biggest asshole ever" I blush.

My brothers shot Anderson a look like 'she saved you' and sighed in relief.

"Got saved, you two" Nico eyed us "I gotta go. See ya later" and he vanishes into the shadows.

"Not that was creepy" Anderson says.

Percy chuckles "That's shadow travel. Get used to it".

Percy Jackson yawns "I guess I am sleepy. Its late. I suggest you guys go to sleep" he eyes Anderson "Bye bye Percy" and jumps to bed.

"Bye" Percy leaves reluctantly.

"Bye" I say and change into my PJ's. 

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