My life has just become a whole new of weird.

26 13 9

Wait, εγγόνι, it means grandkid in greek. How do I know, it just came to my mind.

I looked at Hades like 'Its not April fools today'. But still, the way he said it, in that soft gentle tone, I knew at the back of my mind that it was true, maybe he was not joking. 

But then, these campers were. So, as everyone's jaw hit the ground, I look into Hades's obsidian black eyes and say "Doesnt that mean Grandkid in greek" I say as casually as ever. 

"yes" he says rather gently "And that is why I have I have come here, I dont know what you are doing in Cabin 3 as you belong in Cabin 13".

All the campers were like "oohhhhh" and "aaahhhhh".

This philosophy confused me, so I looked at Percy- my brother Percy. He had told me that we were both kids of Poeidon, and Hades here says that he is my grandfather, and Hades and Poseidon are brothers...

"What do you exacty mean?" I ask while taking a bite of my blue cookie (It is hard to eat when your one hand was hurt, but I am both handed so god for me). See, i dont care even if a greek god who claims to be my grandpa is serious, and then this is all greek gods stuff is confusing which takes up energy to store. And when my energy is being used, i need more of it by eating food. And even if he is true, why the hell do you have to fear in eating in front of your grandpa?

"I mean that you are the child of my daughter, Susan. So, you belong in the Hades cabin and Poeidon" he explains. I take another blue cookie and stuff it in my mouth, and speak while spitting shreds of food onto the table "But these people-"

Hades cuts me off my saying "Bye". And then he vanishes leaving nothing but black smoke.

"And that " my Percy says "was weird".

Then all of the people were staring at me. To break that I say "Get your jaws of the ground people" and start eating again. Wow, i am so lucky, I have a dad who is the water dude, and his brother who is my grandpa who has no manners (he disturbed me while eating). Which sums up my life- insane, bizarre, peculiar, freakish, etc etc.

Then, Percy (my bro) takes his magical plate and walks up to me "I think we should talk". For the first time, he had a serious face, maybe grossed out, I guess. And when I looked at BAE(Biggest asshole ever), he was a say to shocked, like hella shocked. His lips were decorated with crumbles of pancakes, and the other food he ate, which made him look cute. His blue eyes stared me like 'she has it worse than me'. 

The whole dining pavilion took time to cover up their senses. But before I could see what happened, the Percies dragged me out of the area. Percy Anderson was holding my right hand and I winced when he pressed the wound, while my Poseido bro was holding my left hand as they dragged me into the cabin. Once we went inside the cabin and the door was locked Percy Anderson spoke up "Explain".

"what?" I protest "First you guys tell me, about this whole thing. What is cabin 3 and cabin 13, how can some god just come in the fire and claim me as his granddaughter while another god and his brother had claimed me as his daughter!". I exhale, looking at my wounded hand.

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