I am so messed up

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"Run!" He screamed as the green light that came from the fingertips of the hooded man missed me by an inch and hit the TV- destroying it. My father was on his knees hiding behind the couch, standing up every few seconds and sending out sparks from his hands- no, it was a wand.
"Run" he said. "Astrid, Get in your room, I will be there in a few minutes".
I had no other options but to go to my room.
Before going, I caught a glimpse of the man's face- pale as the snow and a bloody scar to decorate it.
I climbed the flight of stairs into the top floor where my room was.
I could hear noises from below:
"Avada Kedavra"
And what not.
I was scarred, frightened out of my mind.
I sat on my desk, clenching my teeth, thinking about what could a nine year old do all about this.
The answer is simple-
I grabbed my diary and started noting this, when suddenly all the noises stop abruptly.
I wanted to go down and help, but I know a 9 year old kid could not do a thing about it.
I was deep I'm my thoughts when I heard a knock on the door. I didn't open it. It was rough, kind of hurried actually. Was it dad?
No, it couldn't be him. I know the way he knocks the door- in a genlte way.
But then, who was it?
I was curious to open the door but I didnt need to.

The door was blasted off and behind it was that hooded man who was also holding a wand.
He stood there, with his back straight, but I knew that the was wounded. But I also knew that he was evil.
I knew Karate.
So, I used it.
Very bad idea
I did a roundhouse kick. For a nine year old, I was very tall. And in an advantage, he was short too. My leg hit his spine and might have hurt him severely.
But then I forget what he could do.
Before I could take cover, sparks flew from his wand and hit me in the collarbone.
I couldn't move.
I couldn't speak.
I couldn't do anything.
Only be there and watch in agony as he laughed in an evil way.
My vision became blurry but I could still see him moving his wand up and down. It didn't take me another moment to realise that he was controlling me.
"Dad" I tried to say, but the words didn't come out of my mouth. The only thing that I could experiance was eternal pain.
"Dad" I tried to speak again but no luck.
He gestured the wand up and so I did I and my head hit the ceiling.

Now the pain was so severe that I couldn't even breathe. Each and every breath cost the last bit of my strength.
I knew that I was going to die like this- in eternal pain.

Now, it got harder to see. I heard a scream and dropped dead to the floor. Before I fell, my left hand hit something sharp which tore the flesh in my hand. I could feel the pain searing up my body. And after I fell, I didn't know what happened.

When I opened my eyes, I was sleeping on my bed and dad was sitting beside me.

"Morning" he said as he brushed my hair with his hand.
"Are you okay, sweetie?"
"Yes, I am" I say
I try to sit up.
"Owwch" I scream as my left hand hurts.
"Here, let me halp you" he says and helps me up.
My hand was covered with a bloody red cast.
"Dad" I say "Last night, did that all really happen?"
His expression tightens for a moment and he says "What all? Nothing happened last night"
Was it a nightmare?
Or was it real?
"That fighting and all" I say, swishing an imaginary wand with my hand.
"It was nothing, you just hurt your arm, must have been a nightmare" he says and hugs me.
Was he lying? He really looked tired. And the wounds- his, mine, they are all the same.

"How did I hurt my arm" I ask him, to detect if he was lying or not.
He hesitates for a moment and speaks "Remember, you were in the park riding your cycle when you fell and hurt it"
My cycle has been broken from a month.
"Does it hurt" he asks
I nodded.
"Here" he passes me a glass of water "drink it, it will make you feel better"
I drink it. It doesn't taste like water, but something else.
I was too deep in sleep that I couldnt taste it.
Before I drifted off to sleep,I remember my dad with his wand saying "Obliviate".

Hola amigos!
This is a Harry Potter fanfic


PS: Also comment your favourite ship in hp.

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