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It was around noon, and I was tired. I drifted off to sleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

I saw a girl of 11, something and a boy- her brother who looked like he was 9. And there was another girl- my mother. And they were in a brightly lit place, it looked like a casino.
Then came a man in a black tuxedo who took my mother away. He held her hand and lead her out of the door.
"Susan, are you really leaving?" The girl asked my mom. Susan- that was her name.
"I really don't have another option, Bianca" Susan said.
"But you said that we would be together forever" The boy said and looked at his shoes.
"Nico, but these people would take me to my dad" Susan said, "Bye"
"Bye" Nico said followed by Bianca.
Then another boy who looked like the eldest of them all enters and says "Bye". This boy looked around 14 and had Green hair.
The man in the tuxedo took mom out of the door and came back to the siblings.
"Obliviate" he said. Wait-! Even he had a wand like my father and that hooded man.
Then my vision got darker and my eyes opened.

I woke up.
I could smell cookies, not only any cookies, my dad's special blue cookies. Yum. He always made them if something bad had happened or of I was depressed.
I hopped down the stairs and went into the kitchen. Dad was there, eating a cookie himself.
"Morning" I said as I caught the cookie the threw me.
"Its, technically noon" he says.
I don't care. I just want food.
I looked to the calendar.
24 July. Today is Saturday. No school! Yay!
I sit on the chair and take a few cookies and start devouring. In 10 mins, me and dad had eaten all of them.

When I was going upstairs, my phone rang. It was a gift from my mom. I am onto technology that much and this was the only phone which I used. Dad never gave me his phone. So, I always used this one.
I got the phone out of my pocket and saw who it was- it was an unknown number.
I picked it up

Hello, Astrid
"Yes, this is Astrid but who are you"
I am Percy
"Why have you called, you could have come to my house"
No idiot, I am in at my foster home, and I called because today is Saturday
"Yes, today is Saturday, but that doesn't explain everything"
Listen, there is a problem and can I speak to your dad
"Sure" I said and called dad. He took the phone from me and spoke
"Tell me the problem"
Then Percy spoke something but it was very muffled and I couldn't hear.
He spoke for a long time. Dad was hearing him from a long time and then he finally spoke "Yes, don't worry. Take the letter and come here". And then he cuts the phone.
Letter? What letter?
And if you might be wondering why dad takes so much care of Percy, its because uncle Noah, that was Percy's father and him had been best friends since school. First his wife died and then him. So, he knew better than to not take care of his best friend's child.
"What is it?" I ask dad.
He was cut off by the doorbell.
Was Percy here? So quick?
I went to answer it. When I opened the door, I saw nothing but a letter kept at the bottom of the floor.

The Nightmare- A Pjo FanficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora